Way, way out in the
and sleeps, and of course, wags
their tails. They do a lot of licking. But mostly they like to play. Every-
one’s favorite friend was RocketTM. Each day, other Rrruffians would
come over and beg him to play. RocketTM would roll his eyes patiently, scratch a little, shake and wag his tail. Then he would trot along to join his friends in
a game of Tag or Rrred Rrrover or Who’s Got the Biscuit? But RocketTM thought there must be more to life. When night came, he would gaze out at the stars and wonder.”I wonder what else is out there?” “I wonder why stars sparkle?” “I wonder what it’s like to have someone love you?” Then RocketTM would walk around in a circle three times, lie down and sleep soundly until morning.
One day, just as the sun came up, RocketTM perked up his ears and sniffed all around. Something was different. Strange. New and wonderful. RocketTM followed his nose to see where it would lead. His nose led him uphill and down, over the Slow Rrriver, through the Rrredwood Forest and right to the edge of the Rrred Sea. Sitting there, sparkling in the sun, was the strangest contraption RocketTM had
ever seen!