Graco PD240819A owner manual Ss4/ !6/$/52.3 never put hot liquids in the parent’s tray

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Failure to follow these warnings and the

assembly instructions could result in serious injury or death.

ss0,%!3% 3!6% /7.%23% -!.5!, &/2/&5452% 53%

ss!$5,45!33%-",9 2%15)2%$

ss.%6%26,%!6% child unattended. Always keep child in view while in stroller.

ss!6/)$/3%2)/53)).*529 from falling or sliding out. Always use seat belt. After fastening buckles, adjust belts to get a snug fit around your child.

ss!6/)$/&).'%2 %.42!0-%.4 Use care when folding and unfolding the stroller. Be certain the stroller is fully erected and latched before allowing your child near the stroller.

ss.%6%2653%3342/,,%2 /. 34!)23 or escalators. You may suddenly lose control of the stroller or your child may fall out. Also, use extra care when going up or down a step or curb.

ss342/,,%2 4/ "% 53%$ only at walking speed. Product not intended for use while jogging, skating, etc.

ss53%3/& 4(%(342/,,%2 with a child weighing more than 40 lbs (18.1 kg) or taller than 43 in.

(109 cm) will cause excessive wear and stress on the stroller. Use the stroller with only one child at a time.

ss4/ 02%6%.464)00).' do not place more than 3 lbs (1.4 kg) on the parent’s tray.

ss4/ !6/)$/"52.3 never put hot liquids in the parent’s tray.

ss4/ 02%6%.46!!(!:!2$/53 5.34!",% #/.$)4)/. never place purses, shopping bags, parcels or accessory items (other than approved Graco stroller bags) on the handle. Never place anything on the canopy.

ss4/ 02%6%.46!!(!:!2$/53 5.34!",% #/.$)4)/., do not place more than 10 lbs (4.5 kg) in the storage basket and more than 2 lbs (0.9 kg) in the canopy pockets (on certain models).

ss$/ ./4 use storage basket as a child carrier.

ss$/ ./4 !,,/7 your child to stand on the basket. It may collapse and cause injury.

ss.%6%260,!#% child in the stroller with head toward front of stroller.

ss.%6%26!,,/7,9/52 342/,,%2 to be used as a toy.


342/,,%2 should it become damaged or broken.


Image 2
Contents Manuel Dutilisateur Manual DEL Propietario Ss4/ !6/$/52.3 never put hot liquids in the parent’s tray Ss!6/$/342!.5,!4/. Manquer de suivre ces avertissements et les instructions 533%44% si elle devient endommagée ou brisée Page Ss0!2! 02%6%.2 5.!.345 !#¼.0%,2/3! 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Partsror Accessoriessor Forowarranty0OUR Commanderadesepiòces OU Pour Servicevsous Informationmin THEH5NITEDSnugRide Classic Connect Features and Components Important InformationAdditional Information How to Install the Infant Restraint/BaseReplacement Parts   ,QVWDOOLQJWKH,QIDQW5HVWUDLQWDQG%DVHPage HDVLO\EHWKUHDGHGWKURXJKWKHLQIDQWUHVWUDLQW Your child’s safety depends onORFDWLRQVIRUWKLVLQIDQWUHVWUDLQW For Recall Information Registration InformationRegister Your Infant Restraint  $WODQWD*$ RUFDOOWKHXQGHUVLGHRI\RXULQIDQWUHVWUDLQW If You Need HelpChild Restraint Useful Life PDQXIDFWXUH Failure to Properly USE this Infant Restraint  do not Install or USE this Infant RestraintImportant Information WKHLQIDQWUHVWUDLQWYHKLFOHVDQGDLUFUDIW EHIRUHSXWWLQJ\RXUFKLOGLQWKHLQIDQWUHVWUDLQWDo NOTDWWDFKVWULQJVWRWR\V Additional Warnings for Use as a CarrierRURWKHUVRIWVXUIDFHV  NEVERSODFHFDUULHURQWKHWRSRIDVKRSSLQJFDUWRXUFKLOG MUSTPHHWWKHIROORZLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV Height and Weight LimitsImportant Make Sure WKH Features and Components +DUQHVV &DQRS\5HOHDVHKDQGOH LockingClip Base  LATCHSDWK 3RVLWLRQA Must EHXVHG Adjusting HandleRemoving and Attaching Infant Restraint  ZKHQFDUU\LQJE\KDQGOHAttaching Canopy VWHSVIODWDQGVQXJDJDLQVW\RXUFKLOG¶VVKRXOGHUV Head Support on certain models, styles varyNothing Interferes with KHDGDQGERG\LQDFRPIRUWDEOHSRVLWLRQERWKHODVWLFORRSVDURXQGYHKLFOHEHOW KRRNVDVVKRZQ› Cold Weather Boot on certain models, styles varyHarness Covers on certain models, styles vary 7RSUHYHQWHMHFWLRQLQVXGGHQVWRSRUFUDVKLQVWUXFWLRQV Using Infant RestraintPositioning Harness Straps DUHeven with or just below your child’s shouldersIURPIURQW  Safety CheckQRWWZLVWHG  URPIURQWSXOOVWUDSIURP RU/RZ%LUWKHLJKW,QIDQWV For Larger BabiesWREHVXUHLWLVVHFXUH› Securing Child in Infant Restraint SRVLWLRQ VHHSDJH QVHUWWKHWZREXFNOHWRQJXHVLQWRWKH CHECKWKDWbothVWUDSVDUHIODWDQGWLJKWRQFKLOG¶VVKRXOGHUV 7RORRVHQWKHVWUDSV SRVLWLRQ SAFETY CheckDUPSLWVDQGDZD\IURPWKHQHFN WKURXJKWKHKRRNVDVVKRZQHas a front air bag š6HH Vehicle Seat RequirementsBehind the front seats™,I\RX Vehicle Seat Belt Requirements  The Vehicle seat must face forwardCombination Lap/Shoulder Belt with Retractor Unsafe Vehicle Belt Systems Lap Belts with Emergency Locking Retractor ELR Passive Restraint Lap Belt with Motorized Shoulder Belt Lap Belts Forward of Seat CreaseRZQHU¶VPDQXDOIRU LATCHORFDWLRQV Lap Belts Manually AdjustedSafe Vehicle Belt Systems ‡ Combination Lap/Shoulder Belt with Sliding Latch Plate Lap Belts with Automatic Locking Retractor ALRCombination Lap/Shoulder Belt with Locking Latch Plate To Install Locking Clip with Infant Restraint UHSHDWSURFHGXUHLatch Locations Vehicle Lower Anchor Points Seat CreaseSRVLWLRQLQDYHKLFOHVHDW How to Install the Infant Restraint/BaseBe twisted or turned DS%HOWLQVWDOODWLRQDVGHVFULEHGLQ Installing the Infant Restraint and Base Using Vehicle BeltWLJKWHQWKHYHKLFOHEHOW LQVWDOOEDVH RUOHQJWKHQVUHSHDWSURFHGXUH DWWDFKHGš EDUV Belt must lay flat and not be twisted  7HVWLQIDQWUHVWUDLQWIRUVHFXUH *UDFRDW LIQHFHVVDU\VHHSDJHCheck page 40  DVVKRZQReclining Infant Restraint/Base Using Infant Seat and Base TogetherUsing Infant Seat only YHKLFOHVHDW To Adjust Recline on BaseTo Adjust Recline on Infant Restraint Without Base Final Safety Check Every time you drive with your child Storing Latch Additional InformationAirplane Use  RUHDVHRIVWRULQJHWHQG Latch WRLWVPDLPXPOHQJWKZDVKLQIDQWUHVWUDLQWSDG, IROORZLQVWUXFWLRQV Cleaning MaintenanceTo Remove DQG 5HDVVHPEOHDVVKRZQLQVHFWLRQ%XFNOHPXVWEHSURSHUO\ODWFKHG Buckle Cleaning ProcessPrevent Serious Injury or Death WKDWFRXOGSUHYHQWODWFKLQJRUWKLQEODQNHWWRSURWHFWXSKROVWHU\ Replacement PartsDO not USE Infant Restraint ZLWKRXWVHDWSDG Guarde Estas Instrucciones Para USO Futuro   %RWDSDUDWLHPSRIUtR Información importanteFunciones y componentes Uso del sistema de seguridad para bebésInstalación del sistema de seguridad para bebés/base Cómo elegir un lugar apropiado para el asiento Del vehículo 6LVWHPDV3/,*52626GHFLQWXURQHV Información adicionalPDQXDOGHOGXHxRGHOYHKtFXORSDUD Advertencias a padres y otros usuarios no Ponga Este Sistema DE Seguridad Para Bebés VHJXULGDGSDUDEHEpVLatch PDQXDOVHHQFXHQWUDHQODEDVHLa seguridad de su niño depende de que Información sobre el registro Registro de su sistema de seguridad para bebésSi necesita ayuda Vida útil del sistema de seguridad para niñosFyPRXVDUOR Información importante no Instale O USE Este Sistema DE Seguridad Para SURGXFWRKLVWRULD  Nunca Deje a SU Niño Solo Nunca Entregue Este Sistema DE Seguridad Para Niños BASEDRWUDSHUVRQDVLQHQWUHJDUOHVHVWHPDQXDODE GRACO. &RQVXOWHHOPDQXDOGHOGXHxRGHO Advertencias para el uso con un cochecitoAdvertencias adicionales para el uso como transportador WUDQVSRUWDGRUNo SRQJDFRUGRQHVDORVMXJXHWHV Limitaciones de peso y alturaGuarde LOS Cordones Y Cuerdas Fuera DEL Alcance $/785$30 pulgadas 76.2 cm o menos De alturaFunciones4.0 5DQXUDV SDUDHO Traba deSeguridad GHOLATCH 3LHDMXVWDEOH Ambos ERWRQHVGHDMXVWHGHOD Ajuste de la manijaCómo sacar y sujetar el sistema de seguridad para bebé  HVOLFHHOHWUHPRUHFWRGHO VHJXQGRVRSRUWHHQHO Colocación de la capota OVLVWHPDGHVHJXULGDGSDUD  3DUDVDFDUODFDSRWDLQYLHUWDORVSDVRVPDQWDFRPRDSR\RšASEGÚRESE QUE Apoyacabezas en ciertos modelos, los estilos varíanDSR\DFDEHDVFRPRVHLQGLFD™ Nada Interfiera CON EL ARNÉS.ODUQpVGHELGDPHQWHLQVWDODGDVHQORVKRPEURV Fundas del arnés en ciertos modelos, los estilos varíanSDUDGDUHSHQWLQD Uso del sistema de seguridad para bebés Colocación de las correas del arnés Verificación DE Seguridad FRPRVHLQGLFD  $VHJXUHODVFRUUHDVIORMDVFRPRVHLQGLFDž  D VERIFIQUETXHODVPara Bebés MÁS Grandes Ghodqwhud 8VHODFRUUHDGHODFRPRVHLQGLFD™ Sujetar el niño en el sistema de seguridad YHDODSiJLQD  ODKHELOODœKRPEURVGHOQLxR GHEHUtDQWHQHUODPLVPDORQJLWXGASEGÚRESETXHambasFRUUHDV  ,QVHUWHODVGRVOHQJXDVGHODKHELOODHQQDWXUDO FxhoorGHODSDUWHGHDUULEDGHOVLVWHPDGH  H VERIFIQUETXHODVFRUUHDVIORMDVUDFRDO Cómo elegir un lugar apropiado para el asiento del vehículoRequisitos del asiento del vehículo Requisitos del cinturón de seguridad del vehículo XELFDFLRQHVGHOLATCH NO86QLQJXQRGHORVVLJXLHQWHV Sistemas Peligrosos de cinturones de vehículosGHOYHKtFXORSDUDLGHQWLILFDUODV DFFLGHQWHRSDUDGDUHSHQWLQDODSXHUWD FRQHFWDGRVDODSXHUWDGHPDQHUDDOJXQDRSistemas Seguros de cinturones de vehículos Cinturones de seguridad para la falda ajustado manualmenteUHWUDFWRUGHVHJXULGDG FRQIXHUDHOVLVWHPDGHSURFHGLPLHQWR SHUPLWLUTXHVHPXHYD FP GHODKHELOODUbicaciones del Latch Sin la base con el cinturón del vehículo DelInstalación del sistema de seguridad para bebés No deberá estar doblado ni dar vueltaHWLTXHWDGHDGYHUWHQFLDDEBE HVWDU QLYHODGDFRQHOSLVR› LQWXUyQGHO LQWXUyQKRPEURIDOGD GHODIDOGD GLVSRQLEOH SDUDLQVWDODUODEDVHHQJDQFKDGRVš Utilización del Latch para instalar la baseEHEpVHQODpágina 40  GHOLATCHFRPRVH LQGLFD Oprima y sujete la bisagra Latch žUSO DE LA Base Y DEL Asiento Para Bebés Juntos Inclinación del sistema de seguridad para bebés/baseULHVJRGHOHVLRQHVVHULDVRODPXHUWH ²6LHQHOLQGLFDGRUDSDUHFHVRODPHQWH VERDEIUHQWHGHOSLH Para ajustar la inclinación sobre la baseGHODVSRVLFLRQHV™ QLYHODGDFRQHOSLVRGHVHJXULGDGSDUDEHEpV™ Uso en aeronaves AdicionalInformación Almacenamiento del LatchLimpieza y Mantenimiento /DKHELOODGHEHDEURFKDUVHFRUUHFWDPHQWH Proceso de limpieza de la hebillaPrevenga Lesiones Graves O LA Muerte Piezas de repuesto GHVKLODFKDGDVGHEHFDPELDUODV