Graco PD243008A manual 3ETUPT ss Nstallar

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Contents Keep Instructions for Future USE Evervsubstitute PARTS SsTHIS Product Requires Adult AssemblyMattress Padaprovided by RACO Soft BEDDINGSs.%6%26USESAAWATERTMATTRESS with THEHPLAYARD SU BEBÏ Ss%34% 02/$5#4/ 2%15%2% 3%2%!2-!$/ 0/2/5. !$5,4/Ss.5.#!.USESUN Colchøncde Agua Conoel CORRALITO %N Ropa DE Cama BLANDA4HIS Modeldmayanotoinclude 0ARTSRLIST ss ,ISTASDE Lasapiezas3ETUPT ss Nstallar EL Centro DELECORRALITO ABAJOATODAVÓALways USESMATTRESSPAD Soft Side UP Andnwrap around 4O &OLD ss 0ARA Plegar  %MPUJE HACIACABAJO  0USH DOWNSsBoth Tubesbmust be Released Forothehtopo Rail to FOLD  ,EVANTEASUAVEMENTE EL LATERALPage #OVERVUNIT with Handle OUT IPITOGETHER 4O #OVERV ss 0ARA CubrirSs$/ ./4 Store Thehbassinet in Thehplayardywhileiin USE Comforteroor Anothertmattress FOROPADDINGBASSINET $% !3&8!EBÏSBSE HANAASFIXIADOSs%N Ropa DE Cama BLANDA 5SES3/,!-%.4%-EL COLCHØNCPROPORCIONADONPORORACO .5.##OLOQUEOLOSOTUBOSBEN LA Tela Como SE INDICAI Side UP 2OLL UP Andnfasten STRAPS NRØLLESELYYCIÏRRESE Accessories certain models ss !CCESORIOS CIERTOS ModelosSs!LWAYS Keep Objectseoutuof CHILDgSLREACH Usando EL MUDADOR*AMASMDEJE Aasu Hijo SOLO $!4O Preventvdeathaor SERIOUSIINJURY Thehchanging TABLE Ss5SESONLY Thehpadaprovided by RACO 25$/ To THEHPLAYARD Advertencia 4OY ARA ss Arrarde Juguetes Page Cuidado y mantenimiento Care and MaintenanceOr/ó