1.Important. Gate must be installed in a structurally sound opening. The hinge side of gate must be mounted to a rigid surface. Ensure mounting surface (wall, door frame, stairpost, etc.) is strong, rigid and has an even surface.
If using gate on a stairway, it must be placed on lowest stair at the bottom.
2.The correct width will be achieved by adjusting gate sections and all four corner spindles. Each spindle adjusts individually and may be extended varying lengths to allow for molding, uneven walls, etc. Spindles may be extended a minimum of 11/4” (hinge side) or 1” (on locking side) and a maximum of 3”.
3.Adjust sections until gate is approximately the correct width and adjustment holes are aligned and overlap in two places on both the top and bottom rail. Gate sections must not be extended any further than 4 adjustment holes from spindle ends of gate.
Sections should fit without any distance between rails or bars.
4.Place screws (i) and screw sockets (j) in top and bottom sets of overlapping adjustment holes nearest hinge and locking sides of gate. Do not fully tighten yet.
5.Screw upper hinge spindle (h) into top rail of second gate section.
Screw lower hinge spindle (d) into bottom rail of same side.
Extend spindles equally.
6.Slide locking latch spindle (n) into bottom rail of main gate section.
Extend spindles equally.
Final spindle adjustments will be made later.
7.Hinge Side Mounting
Screws provided are for mounting directly into wood. If mounting into brick, drywall or other surfaces, use appropriate hardware. If installing into hardwood, (i.e. oak), drilling a pilot hole may be necessary.
Cut out templates along all dotted lines, separating template (a) from (b).
Hold template (a) vertically and completely outstretched against mounting surface with the end marked “➤” even with the floor.
Mark 4 screw hole positions.
Remove template.
8.Using 2 wood screws (k), mount upper hinge
(g) (with hole pointing up) in top 2 screw hole positions.
9.Using 2 wood screws (k), mount lower hinge bottom (c) (with post pointing up) in bottom 2 screw hole positions.
10.Locking Side Mounting
Screws provided are for mounting directly into wood. If mounting into brick, drywall or other surfaces, use appropriate hardware. If installing into hardwood, (i.e. oak), drilling a pilot hole may be necessary.
Hold template (b) vertically and completely outstretched against mounting surface with the
end marked “ ” even with the floor. ➤
Mark 4 screw hole positions. Remove template.
11.Determine which direction the gate should open. Insert stop pin (o) from behind in hole of one locking latch bracket (l) opposite desired opening direction.
Important: The gate cannot open to the stop pin side.
12.Using 2 wood screws (k) mount locking latch bracket with stop pin (l) in top 2 screw hole positions.
Using 2 wood screws (k), mount second locking latch bracket (l) in bottom 2 screw hole positions.
13.Push stabilizing foot (r) into vertical tube. Use of stabilizing foot is optional unless one or more (maximum 4) optional extensions are used.
14.Center gate in opening. Adjust upper hinge spindle (h) so post fits into upper hinge hole (g).
15.Adjust lower hinge spindle (d) so end fits over lower hinge post (c). Space between end of gate and mounting surface on hinge side may be no less than 11/4” and not more than 3”.
16.Adjust locking latch spindles (n) until they
fit securely into both latch brackets. Spindles must click under locking latch when in the closed position. Space between end of gate and mounting surface on locking side may be no less than 1” and not more than 3”.
27/07/04 9:37:20