Hitachi VMD875LA Using the Built-in DC Light for VM-D975LA/VM-D875LA, Cossu/To, Caut!Ons

Page 57

Using the Built-in DC Light (for VM-D975LA/VM-D875LA),, :,, < ,,

Use ff:e bui t-lr_ DC ;Ght if yoL _ish to :thoot o_ieo?5 ff_ dark places,

Wi _en the


sw&:th _sset _e "AUTO L

the hgh t turns On Outofnoficto#}


tne oomcorder

is po%f_,d

c? ocjee_

;n s

d(_&" place osd JUlTS off

_,,P,e? if !.i put'ted

at objects

in o bright



CAUTIONs Snce fine power eonsumpt on of tse }gpt is/gh, the cameo de_ operating tree w) decrease ever_ with o ,%lly charged batle%


_ Ylake sul:e t_rmt J ,%dly ch_l:g_d bal:t_ ry pack is ,it m::hed

Set the CAh4,'()I_UVIDEO m_,i ch _o CAM _ld

then .set the [dE}IT _;v,'R:h _:o AITO v,,'her_


Note: Whet: tte UCHT sw;,tch is set to Ohi, i_e iight wil_ turn on whenever yo, meke (; _eco d- in@

Note: If t_e LiGff swCh [sse to AUTO, the light AhOy [_e! tJrn on mmedia_ely

Note: if the Jithl !urns en 1o me_e ffc_n 5 mir- utes with the UG!i} swich sol to "AU O" or

"ON". wben the eomcorder is ir ine record

pause mode. the oomcorder and ight w_l automat co',iy iur/_ et[ In such e ease, turn the

caT_corder or ,'A_O]R

Note: _f the LIGHT swtch is set io AUTO and the camco#;(_'r is pe ,_ed ai a whi',e subiect witi_ igh refiectivily in d dclr!_ @doe from a ste_t ds-

I<._nce, [i_eIght _riey NrP ()n or e:t !N this cos,e, sei the .©HT switch to ON

Nole: i_e Ight will it_t/off duNhg quok ed[1 o

fevew, i've _ if you h/:_vo c'onuc@y "urned oi/ _e Iigt

Note: The iighi wifi not turn e_ wren li_e CAM/ OH IVt!)EO swcl, is se'to VDLO

Note: if there is ne Cosset]< in [be correordet

or f o _ecotd!ng o;evu_ _ted <:_]sseto s {rsedh£]

w_h te KZH swiiek set to Ad'[O, lhe ghi will <_Jtomot ooi!y g: out offer 5 f lit kJies

CALITJON; turn the if)/cn :fly when you neec

t, ether,,Ase the epe_oi[_ g tree of the bqhery

p_ck is shot ÷_

ed due





IOn of the i_t'I






DO no



by the

!itht wher'_






}q rr'altuNc }i('_R

'_ _Xev use, se_ t_c I ](4]'I s_,_,Kch te OFF or set the

CAM / OFF / % D_'O S_ itc}:l < f t]e ca/-ncor'der to

OFt: positkm.


°Durn,_ operoto _, and/or offer use ef he ght, the front s'.rfoce cx',j lamp of _e I@dq_

wi} be very hot, To avoid bd_SS O_ha' dam-- see, de r, ol touch them with your ho_-d

*When the ight _son. do not ali@_ waier to drop on the ight,

. Wter; the igbt is on, ®vod subjecting the igh to impac:s <s sharp vb stioas.

. DO _ef cove f!:e ight wth paper er e_er objects since he ei_ flew ,,,_1 be n!er _OV

ed resu]th9 in possble over eetng hcz- ard.

- Never USe the ght i@ihe vdnity of expbs- ire or hghiy nfion:mab e materk'_Is

,Afb;r us,_g te ligist, cue the tight sectior}

suilicienHy beware storir',0 the camcorder r; 1he case,

*tne amp cq only be replaced by e seT- vice er_ir!eer; _f Pe k}rep ho_ blown, con- sO1 your neQresl sop,! ce center



Image 57
Contents Home Electronics DtVSION HTACHt America UDMis s.,g.,0 Aio 5N 2L8 2L\.itDAHis symbol wasns !he use ha unin For Your SafetyCarexily to avoid an 3 problems Ommended Accessories OilyNolo VM*D975LA/VM-0875LAiV#,,%O873LANoes Mak a-l ucoHfTACHf INSTALLATiONVM-D975 Laivm D875LA!V-D873LA Read This Fksf Before YouIndex Riser- Ru e erat ,e e,ceeds !?F 6OCVM-Dg75LA/VM-D875LAlVM.,D873LA VM-D875LAVM-D975A ImportantInformation FeaturesComponents and Accessories VM-Dg75LA/VMD875LA/VM-D873LALotv*D975LA PvOS/ a B,f-DS/31,A Audio/Video Jacks Behind Jack cover p50 Diopter Control pl25,BATToEJECT Lever p t Stad/Stop Button @26,31,33Shouder Strap SIot p 6 27LCD Monitor Open Buffon p4 Date Button p24Counter RESETButton only on the remote control p44 36, Tape Transport and Menu Setting Buttons p22,3242. A!%/DUB Button only on the remote control p53 Camcorder Control ButtonsVM,.Dg75LAiVM@875LA/VM-D87LA E13 Loading Ctock Battery@Adiusfing the Brightness of the LCD Screen MonitorRange in which the LCD Monitor can be moved HtTACHActive Screen Ca@ions on LCD Monlor ScreenVM*D975LAtVM-DI75LAIVMO873LA E15 Eyepiece Adjustment Adjustment the Hand StrapAffaching ShouJder Strap VMO975 LA/VM- D875/.AiVM@873 LA Charging the BatteryYypicaI Recoding EP s!¢t , vie de Es sn 8th Cno itor @Charging Time @Opealng Time2ii i &I0 Iil 118VM-,O975LAiVM-DS?5LA1VM*O873LA E19 LOaowing Remaising BaefPowe TimeOtiei/b#iexe JSito, 1@ C/bc$ $ylFiUsing the AC Adaptor Camcorder Power SourcesTo DC in ack HtTACHfInserting a Cassette Inserting and Removing CassettesProtecting Recorded Material To peven recordings To re-recerd@ Menu selectabfe in the CAM mode E22 HITACHtITiOde Using the Linear Time Counter Demonstration ModeRemaining Tape Setting the Date and Time Pressing me PI,AY button gies you Iigher rmmbesE24 VM-D£?SLAtVM-D875LAlVM-D873LA E25 Basic TechniquesE25 HKACHt Makesure@.aithe. so.,pc es ,,Xcbis tiUsing Instant Review Pa? bac!ode 40r@OJ 8 heolDT ti sekrjtjjfliWsume Jecorin% Rapidly Moving Objects Using Auto FocusBrlghtty E28Subject you wish to magnify at file center 07 !tie Using Mac oSetting Recording Mode Setting Recording Audio ModeE30 Pm,ss the LARecording Still PicturesPhotofor VMoD975LA Make suce !hal the sub 7o, se. ib..h ix in th Oc /sVM-Dg75LA/VM-D875LAiVM-D873LA E32 @To Play Back a Yape with the Viewfinder5tar.iStopBon Using Forward and Reverse SearchCase of anaJog video Case ofdigital video VM-Dg75LA/VMoD875LA/VM*DS73£A E33Rigpdol,OocR ou col d%qo! fhe UGte/hrnc ecok p ,,,,zncde E34VM-D975LAtVMD875LAtVM-D873LA E35 Advanced TechniquesHe LCD monRer. You can adjust Ocu s m anually Using Manual FocusPress E36Special Effects Recording Mirror Hoffomkror Mode Negpos Negaiive/Posffive ModePicture ormat of a erd nay TV set te 16x9. TEe E38Ef comer of e vies 9der or LCD monitor Using FadeFade Fade Out Fade Fade OuFading Fading OutE40 Using the Program AE Button Locking the White Balance Using the Backl g ht Cam P ensaton ,,,,,,,- ,,--+£42 HITAOHt LockE43 Using the Electronic image StabtizerRecord Ns you mode 0¢ o 3ecJc AKach a powr seurc ad slide thu CAM/ CFi VDO switch to VKKDate Search E44E45 Using MemoryPs m dlu sf Gpe o J!,e H8 ecorded pO Title SeNing SufosFE CIADt S Chinese Selecting Stored Title PrememoE46 IDPW B RHIA? Can ceose he desired bnma£e o the d s60A Ooh OORt CreatingAted dtle Te. ydev,, %as, magenta, ed, green aad blueE48 Title While Transferring TapeCk,imect Ibe cameo Dr, r to \/C stes Ht-le Wis to r fordSetting Playback Mode Switching On-Screen Display OnlOffSeffing Playback Audio Mode Converting Analog Signal to Digital Signalfat VM-D975LATvis osto, 7,8 ¢,ts Adio!/ideo L @,4 Jo ks Bck YsuRecording on ?bu TVAva able 9-,,,ideo cab£ ££you %oVCR -i s S-VIDbO Iack cos ec De oie Stadoi Vf!,p1 VMoDg75LAHOO VM-O75LAiV %..AiVP%D87S LA E51@Connections with an Kink OV cob!e Connections with an AV cableYe boc picturescod be disrTEO PklButtons to find he ptacx,,*,here yoe tant kslop dubbing Using Audio/Video DubbingE53 Stop BttonSce n se Capt $ opaCabD 854£ .% # 0 l 1 iC VI? VM-g75tA/VM,@875LA!V-DS?3LA E55\,ItF.. r h Hns assemblyPress th ....FF 8 ton to display ....N E56VM-D975LAiVM-D875LAtV-D873LA E57 Using the Built-in DC Light for VM-D975LA/VM-D875LACOSSU/TO CAUT!ONSLop E58Notch C.pPeriodic Maintenance VM-Dg?5LA/VM@875LAiVM*DB73LA E59PobJfe is out E60 General Specifications Video Recorder SpecificationsCamera Specificafions Days a week, 24 hours a day For U.&A onlyE62 Omoch Court San Diego, CA Tel I 800 HTi\CHI 800-448E63 By Phone To Order in the United StatesFOrlhi ellch ersol o tlis malua E64