6) CLOSE Limit: (Lens Type is DC mode.)
Observe the iris and adjust to precisely the largest value (smallest diameter). The setting range is from
1Before this adjustment, set Gain to Normal and Shutter to Off. Return the previous settings after adjusting. 2Close Limit needs to be set properly for normal AES coupled operation.
7) IRIS GAIN: Iris control voltage gain adjustment (Lens Type is Video mode).
Adjustment is required when replacing a Video type lens or if using the camera for the first time. The setting range is from
Next adjust the lens Level control to highlight the central marker of the video signal level indicator.
If auto iris does not operate even at the Hi or Low extremes of the Level setting, adjust the Iris Gain setting. 8) REFERENCE: (Lens Type is Video mode.)
Adjustment is required when replacing a Video type lens or if using the camera for the first time. Adjust the lens Level control to highlight the central marker of the video signal level indicator. This is not necessary if the Iris Gain has already been adjusted.
While the auto iris is functioning (neither fully open nor fully closed), press R to flash the Setting characters. Adjustment is complete when the flashing ceases.
1Before adjusting Iris Gain and Reference, be sure to set the Gain to Normal, High or Max, and
2Reference needs to be set properly for normal AGC coupled operation.