Lens aperture diaphragm
The Nikomat ELW can be used with any Nikkor interchangeable lens with a Nikon F bayonet
mount. Except the reflex lens, these lenses are eq uipped with aperture diaphragms, and graduated
with a stop by stop scale from full aperture to the minimum stop number.
When a Nikkor lens is mounted on to the camera, it is designed to stay open at full aperture even when the aperture ring is turned down . The aper- ture diaphragm is set only when the shutter button is snapped and the shutter curtain is opened . This is called the automatic diaphragm mechanism. The diaphragm regulates the amount of light reaching the film, while stopping down the aperture by one graduation (from F5 .6 to F8), cuts the amount of available light in half. Diaphragm openings also have a direct bearing on the depth of field. (Refer to page 47.)
Depth-of-field preview button
*In full ·aperture measurement, if the shutter is released while simultaneously pressing the
*When using the Auto Winder
For detailed operation, refer to page 47 .