Stop-down exposure measurement
Full-aperture exposure measurement is not possi- ble with the following lenses and accessories. either beca use the lenses nave no auto diaphragms or because the diaphragms will not couple with the meter. Therefore, the stop-down method of measuring exposure with the lens aperture dia- phrag m manually stopped down to the taking a perture must be user! . First, push the coupling pin as far to the right as it will go. Mount a lens or lens/accessory setup to the camera and switch on the meter .
Auto lenses without coupling prong
With automatic exposure control: Use the depth- of-fiekl preview button to stop down the lens and
turn the aperture ring until the black needle is in the shutter-speed scale (Take note of the meter's EV range).
With manual override: Use the same procedure as above. Then turn the shutter-speed dial until the green needle matches the black one. At manual setting, pressure on the depth -of-field preview button is no longer necessary since the correct exposure is set mechanically.
Caution: Never advance the fi lm with the depth-of-field preview button in the depressed position .
Micro-Nikkor SS mm f/3:S·with M2 ring
Use the same procedures as the auto lenses without coupling prong.
Preset lenses (e .g. PC-Nikkor 28 mm)
Set the shutter-speed dial at " A" and turn the aperture ring until the black needle swings to an appropriate shut- ter speed .
Bellows focusing attachments, extension rings and focus- ing units
Using the same procedure as that for lenses with preset diaphragms .
Reflex-Nikkor lenses
The Reflex -Nikkor 500 mm f18, 1000 mm fIll and 2000 mm fIll lenses have no aperture diaphragm. Set the shutter-speed dial at " A" and the black needle gives the shutter speed_