Type: Fully automatic 35mm autofocus
Film format: 35mm standard DX coded film (24 x 36mm)
Lens: Olympus 35 ~ 135mm F4.2 ~5.6 lens
Shutter: Programmed electronic shutter speed: 1/2000 sec.~32 sec.
Focusing: Passive autofocus system with focus lock, manual focus (power focus) and focus aid potential
Viewfinder: TTL Type, magnification X0.80 (at 50mm) Finder view field: 87%, of actual
55picture field
Viewfinder information: Auto focus frame, spot metering frame, focus aid indicator, AF indicator, flash charging indicator, program, shift indicator, macro indicator, spot metering indicator, shutter speed (with slow speed warning), aperture and exposure compensation indicator
Exposure control: Programmed exposure adjustment
Exposure compensation: ± 4EV compensation potential (1/3 step)
Exposure counter: Progressive type, displayed in LCD panel
Film speed range: Automatic setting with DX coded film ISO 25 ~ 5000 with color negative film
Film loading: Automatic loading (automatically advances to first frame when camera back is closed)
Film advance: Automatic film winding type
Film rewinding: Automatic film rewind (automatic rewind activated at the end of film), rewind possible at any point with rewind button
Flash: Manual
Flash modes: AUTO (automatic flash activation in low light)
Battery check: Displayed in LCD panel