VCheck will ask you to connect the camera to the USB port at the appropriate time.
A test will then be performed. This test window confirms correct installation by showing you the first 'live' pictures and audio from your USB PC Camera. Adjust the microphone volume by moving the slider.
VCheck also gives tips for maximizing the camera's performance.
7.Exit VCheck. Restart your computer. You should now have:
-Program Group called 'Philips ToUcam Camera' in the Windows Start menu.
-A camera settings icon on the taskbar. (VProperty)
-A VLounge icon on the Windows QuickLaunch menu on the taskbar. (Not on Windows 2000 and XP.)
-A VLounge icon on the desktop.
-Installed applications, as selected by the user during the installation procedure.
8.Plug in any USB devices that were disconnected during the first step of the installation.
You are now ready to start working with your Philips USB Camera. Go to the central camera
application VLounge and... Have fun!