7.23I would like to use a SD card
1.After the SD card is inserted, the [Copy To SD Card] dialog box will be displayed for you to select to copy files in DC170 to SD card.
Press [] or [] on the remote control or control panel to select.
Copy To SD
7.24Computer-related functions
Ensure that the USB cable is connected and the drivers are installed before using
7.24.1 I would like to insert a photo in MS-Paint
1.Click [File/From Scanner or Camera] in
2.Click [Get Picture] will capture the photos of live images and insert the files in use shown as top right figure.
<Remark> Support Windows XP Operation System only.
7.24.2I would like to insert images in Photoshop
1.Click [File/Import/WIA Support] in Photoshop.
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