Ikelite Coolpix P2 Installing the Camera, Checking Controls, Turn Camera On, Closing the Housing

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Mounting Bolt
Mounting Tray
O' Ring
Lid Snap Lock
Push Forward

Opening the Housing 1. Lid Snaps have a Lock.

To open, push Lid Snap Lock forward and lift as shown. Keep pressure on the Lid Snap so it does not fly open


Some lid snaps have a lot of

spring tension once they go over center, have a firm grip on the lid snap. Lid Snaps may be opened one at a time.

Installing the Camera

Remove the back from the housing. The mounting tray for the camera is secured

to the housing back. Position the camera on the tray and secure it with

the mounting bolt which threads into

the camera’s tripod

socket. Use a coin or flat bladded screwdriver to

tighten the mounting bolt so the camera is flat against the tray.


Some camera tripod socket threads are plastic. The mounting tray bolt is metal. Do not cross thread or over tighten as you may damage the camera tripod socket threads.


Checking Controls

Once the housing has been closed, push the controls back into place. Make sure they line up with the camera’s controls.

Turn Camera On

Turn the camera on and operate each of the housing controls to get a feel for using the camera in the housing. Take a few pictures above water with the camera in the housing.

Closing the Housing




















Place housing face down in your









housing back













lap or on flat surface.




















Check to see that there is an




















o’ring on the housing back and







































that it is clean and in its proper
























































Guide the back onto the housing.



















The o’ring should touch the





























housing all the way around. There



















should be an even gap all the way



around between the housing and



















the housing back.



















Lift the lid snaps so they are




















extended and place the lid snap









housing back
















into the hook on the housing



























































To close the housing push

even gap













































down on the lid snaps until

all 4 sides







































they snap into place . Lid




















snaps on opposite sides of the






























housing should be closed at the



















same time. Be sure they are down



far enough to engage the lock.



















Double check - Once the housing is closed, check the o’ring seal. Check the gap between the housing back and the housing, it should be even all the way around.

Look through the clear plastic back at the o’ring. You should see a darkened area where the o’ring is compressed against the housing back. If you do not see an even black compression seal all the way around the back, open the lid snaps, reseat the housing back and close the lid snaps. Visually check the seal again.



1. Ikelite provides silicone lubricant with the housing. We recommend you use only Ikelite lubricant on Ikelite products as some other brands may cause the o’ring to swell and not seal properly.

2. Use only enough lubricant to lightly cover control shafts and o’rings. Wipe off any excess lubricant with a clean cloth. Lubricant is not a sealant, it is used to reduce friction. Excessive lubricant can collect sand and dirt which may interfere with proper sealing.


Never use spray lubricants as the propellant ingredient can cause the plastic housing to crack.



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Contents Digital Housing Please Read Please Read If Using an EV-ControllerTurn Camera On Installing the CameraClosing the Housing Checking ControlsLens Port Using Flash Using the Camera’s Built-in FlashDiffuser & Deflector Installation Optional Accessories Back O’ring #0109Maintenance Optional AccessoriesControl Maintenance General TipsPhoto Tips Returning Products for Service Ikelite Limited Warranty