Samsung HMX-Q10PN/HMX-Q100PNIHMX-Q130PN user manual Selecting a Suitable Memory Card not Supplied

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This camcorder cars be used with SD and SDHC cards.

We recommend you use an SDHC card.

SD cards up to 2GB are supported by this camcorder. Normal operation is not guaranteed with SD cards bigger than 2GB.

MMC (Multi Media Card) and MMC Plus are not supported.

Corrlpatible memory card capacity: SD 1GB -_2GB, SDHC 4GB


For video recording, use a memory card that supports faster write speeds (above SDHC Class 6 card).

SD/SDHC memory cards have a mechanksal wnte-protection switch. Setting the switch prevents accidental erasure of files recorded on the card. To enabb writing, move the switch up in the direction of the terminals. To set write protection, move the switch down.

Getting ready to sta,_t reco_ding

Protectbn tab

Protection tab

<SD>Terminals<SDHC> Terminals

An SDHC card is a higher w_rsion (Ver, 2.00) of the SD card and

supports capacitbs above 4GB.

SDHC cards cannot be used with current SD enabled host devices,

Damaged daIa may not be recoverable. We recommend you make a back-up of important data separately orsthe hard disk of your PC,

Turning the power off or removing a memory card during an operation such as formatting, deleting, recording, and playback may cause data loss,

After you modify the name of a fib or folder stored in the memory card using your PC, your camcorder may not recognize the modified file,

Image 35 Samsung HMX-Q10PN/HMX-Q100PNIHMX-Q130PN Selecting a Suitable Memory Card not Supplied, Getting ready to sta,t recoding
Contents Write speeds HMX-Q10UNiHMX-Q100UNiHMX-Q130UNHMX-Q10PN/HMX-Q100PNiHMX-Q130PN Important ¢afeCyinctruotion¢ Ventilaiion Impo¢ant safety instR,sctionsLightning California USA only Important Informaticn on USE Safety WARNIN, QOsoPrecautions Before reading thi¢ ucer maqualBefoereading this use manual Before using this camcorderFety ii folri ioi Onsull Safety informationSafety information @@O Contents Jsingwilh VVinwsco ContentsViloo Frir/irphotogStip 2 Record witt your camcorder Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-pagTo stop recording, press the Recording start/stop button IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOpenthe,..Oi screenSTI P4 Save/eeordcd video,ser p/etos Viewivideoxorphotosorsthe/CDsceeHoto IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2 Manager SI E/5 IDa,let÷video orMXSi0NMXSiOON2 Etting to know the oamoorderWhats Included with Your Camc RderFront/Left Iii2 ,nternalmicrophoneiiGettin 9 to know the camcode Locaticn of ControlsRear/Right/Bottom Gettin 9 to know the camcorde@ olsDuo Video recording modeIdentifying the Screen Displays Right of the LCD screen Photo recording modeLeft of the LCD screen CenterBottom II Video playback mode Thumbnail viewVideo playback mode Single view @bfi Photo playback mode Thumbnail viewPhoto playback mode Single view INSERTING/EJECTING the BATqERY To insert the batteryEttii t i tect USB Gettin 9 started Charging the BAIqERYGettin 9 started Battery level displayColor of the LED indicates the power or charging state Checkin GcTHE BAlTERY StateGettin 9 started Turning Your Camc ,RDERON/OFF Ea io operation of the oamoorderBasic opealion of the camcode UoIN G- the T.,UCH Screen OEC.... FTINcTHE Operaticn M .,DEoCBasic opealion of the camcode Switching the information display modeFor the First Time Basic operation of the camcodeSelecting the CcDoD.... Nguage INSERTING/EJECTING a MEM ,RYCARD not Supplied Ir dy toGetting ready to sta,t recoding Selecting a Suitable Memory Card not SuppliedGetting ready to start recoding Recording time available for video in minutes REC ,RDABLETIME and CapacityGetting ready to start recording Recordable number of photosGettin 9 ready to start recodin9 UoIN G the Grip Belt 180 Gettin 9 ready to start recodin9 ADJUoTIN GcTHE LCD ScreenRecording VIDECc,o Ic IrecolrdinBasic recodin9 Recording PHOTo I1!%App......h Recording with Ease for be GcINNERoSmart Auto Zooming Page Playing Videos Basic playbackBasic playback Various playback operations Viewing Photos Basic playback Item for a fun and unique look, =pages Items to adjust for scene conditions. -pages¢ing the menu item€ Handling MenusArt Film menu items Usin 9 the menu itemsMenu Items Manual menu itemsSettings menu items To set the white balance manually Wlhit÷ BalanceEV Exposune Value Back Liglht Advanced recodingsSelf Timer Recodings AdvancedCont Shot Focus Fadef Peci l effects folr Irecolrding$pecU effects for recordings Time Lapse REC$pecU effects forecodings Digital Effect Delete Touch the Menu tab Touch the desired item next to Protect Editing videos and photosProtect Touch the file you want to protectEditing videos and photos Divide Oombine Editing videos and photos File Info Video Photo ResolutionResolution Thel r EttingsTo exit the menu, touch the Return tab Othe settings Tale MacroOIS Duo TIhulnbnail Othe settings Digital ZoomVideo PbayOption Othe settings Slide Show OptionLCD Bdgllstness Othe settings GuidelineDate/Tine Display Othe settings FV DisplayAM!!VO= Othe settings Auto LCD OffHdmi FV Out PC Sofiwane Othe settings USB ConnectHDMI-CEC Other settingsFV Connect Anynet+To exit the menu, touch the Return m tab Othe settings File NoCa@ Info Date Type Othe settings Date/Time SetTime Zone Othe settings Beep Sound Touch the desired item next to Shutter Sound Othe settings Auto Power OffShutter Sound Quick On Stby Touch the desired submenu item Othe settings Quick On StbySwitoh Grip Othe settingsTouch the desired item next to Switch Grip Lngu...........go Default SetTouch the desired item next to Demo DemoConnectin -TO a High Definition D7 with HDM Connecting to aUsing a mini Hdmi cable Onnecting an Audio/Video cable for the composite output Connecting to a Regular D7Connectin 9 to a lV Image appearance depends on the TV screen aspect ratio Connecting to aViewing on a IV Screen Dubbing to a VCR or DVD/HDD REC 9RDER DubUn$ video¢TouchYes Selected photois printed PirintingphotoDirect Printing with a Pictbridge Printer Printer mode, touch the Menu tab --, Date/Time Printin 9 photosTo set the date/time imprint for Pictbridge printers Main function Using with a \ ir dows computerWhat YOU can do with a WINDC,W,,c 9MPUTERUsin 9 with a Windows compute UoIN G the InteHi .studio ProgramUsing with a Windows compute Usin 9 with a Windows compute Changed depending on each web sites policy Viewing the contents of storage media Using AS a Removable Storage DeviceVideo Iiles Structure of folders and files on the storage mediaTrutoloshting Recording Storage mediaFile number is full Cannot take a Photo Editing videos PlaybackFail Camcorder Via USB To a printer Switch USB connectCheck USB cable OYMPT.... ,,MoAND.... oOLUTI.... ,,No Display Youcannotformatthememorycard Any.-,page31Any*page31 Adjusting the image during recording Connecting to a computer Connecting/DubbingwithotherdevicesRecorder,PC,Printer,etcConnectingtoacomputer Additional infolrmation Maintenance105 Additiona, infoma,tion UoINq GcYOUR Camc Rder Abroad1iy Additional information 3LOooARYqqIXIsL ,-L 01tic s/iZOlCmos Speoifio ionSamsung Exclusions What iS not Covered726-7864 Questions or COMMENTS?Samsung