Samsung HMX-Q10BNIHMX-Q100BNIH MXOQ130BN user manual Getting ready to start recoding

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We recommend that you power off the camcorder before inserting or removing the memory card to avoid data loss.

Make sure to format the memory card on this camcorder. If the memory card had been formatted by a PC or other device, using it on this camcorder without formatting may find trouble wkh recording and/or playback. Samsung is not responsibb for damage of recorded contents caused by such reasons.

You have to format newly--purchased memory cards, memory cards with data that your camcorder cannot recognize or with data saved by other devices. Note that Iormatting erases all data on the memory card and deleted data cannot be recow_red.

"A memory card has a certain life span. If you cannot record new data, you have to purchase a new memory card.

,,Do not bend, drop, or subject the card to strong impacts.

,,Do not place foreign substances on the memory card terminals. Use a seft dry cloth to clean the terminals if required.

,,Do not paste anything other than the label provided with the card on the label pasting area of the card.

,,Do not use a damaged memory card.

,,Be careful to keep the memory card out of the reach of children, who might swallow it.

Getting ready to start reco_ding

The camcorder supports SD and SDHC memory cards, giving you a wider choice of cards!

The data storage speed may differ, depending ors the manulacturer and production system.

-SLC (Single Level Cell) system: faster write speed enabbd.

• MLC (Multi Lew_l Cell) system: only lower write speed is supported.

For best results, we recommend using a memory card that supports a faster write speed.

Using a lower write speed memory card for recording videe may cause difficulties when storing.

You may even lose your video data during the recording.

In an attempt to preserve every bit of the recorded video, the camcorder forcibly stores the video orsthe memory card and displays a warning:

"Low speed card. Please record at a lower resolution".

If you are unavoidably using a low speed memory card, the reselution of the recording may be lower than the set value. _page 63

The higher the reselution and quality, the more memory the camcorder uses.

[_] • Samsung is not responsible for data loss due to misuse, including loss caused by any PC virus.

We recommend using a memory card case to prevent data loss from motion or static electricity.

After a period of use, the memory card may get warm. This is normal and is not a malfunction.

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Contents HMX-Q10UNiHMX-Q100UNiHMX-Q130UN HMX-Q10PN/HMX-Q100PNiHMX-Q130PNWrite speeds Important ¢afeCyinctruotion¢ Impo¢ant safety instR,sctions VentilaiionLightning California USA only Safety WARNIN, QOso PrecautionsBefore reading thi¢ ucer maqual Important Informaticn on USEBefore using this camcorder Befoereading this use manualFety ii folri ioi Safety information OnsullSafety information @@O Contents Contents VilooFrir/irphotog Jsingwilh VVinwscoIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-pag Stip 2 Record witt your camcorderIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOpenthe,..Oi screen To stop recording, press the Recording start/stop buttonViewivideoxorphotosorsthe/CDscee STI P4 Save/eeordcd video,ser p/etosIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2 ManagerSI E/5 IDa,let÷video or HotoEtting to know the oamoorder Whats Included with YourCamc Rder MXSi0NMXSiOON2Iii2 ,nternalmicrophoneii Gettin 9 to know the camcodeLocaticn of Controls Front/LeftGettin 9 to know the camcorde Rear/Right/BottomVideo recording mode Identifying the Screen Displays@ olsDuo Photo recording mode Left of the LCD screenCenter Right of the LCD screenII Video playback mode Thumbnail view Video playback mode Single viewBottom Photo playback mode Thumbnail view Photo playback mode Single view@bfi To insert the battery Ettii t i tectINSERTING/EJECTING the BATqERY Gettin 9 started Charging the BAIqERY USBBattery level display Color of the LED indicates the power or charging stateCheckin GcTHE BAlTERY State Gettin 9 startedGettin 9 started Ea io operation of the oamoorder Turning Your Camc ,RDERON/OFFOEC.... FTINcTHE Operaticn M .,DEoC Basic opealion of the camcode UoIN G- the T.,UCH ScreenSwitching the information display mode Basic opealion of the camcodeBasic operation of the camcode For the First TimeSelecting the CcDoD.... Nguage Ir dy to INSERTING/EJECTING a MEM ,RYCARD not SuppliedSelecting a Suitable Memory Card not Supplied Getting ready to sta,t recodingGetting ready to start recoding REC ,RDABLETIME and Capacity Getting ready to start recordingRecordable number of photos Recording time available for video in minutesGettin 9 ready to start recodin9 UoIN G the Grip Belt Gettin 9 ready to start recodin9 ADJUoTIN GcTHE LCD Screen 180Ic Irecolrdin Recording VIDECc,oBasic recodin9 Recording PHOTo Recording with Ease for be GcINNERo Smart AutoI1!%App......h Zooming Page Basic playback Playing VideosBasic playback Various playback operations Viewing Photos Basic playback Items to adjust for scene conditions. -pages ¢ing the menu item€Handling Menus Item for a fun and unique look, =pagesUsin 9 the menu items Menu ItemsManual menu items Art Film menu itemsSettings menu items Wlhit÷ Balance To set the white balance manuallyAdvanced recodings EV Exposune Value Back LiglhtSelf Timer Advanced Cont Shot FocusRecodings Peci l effects folr Irecolrding FadefTime Lapse REC $pecU effects for recordings$pecU effects forecodings Digital Effect Delete Editing videos and photos ProtectTouch the file you want to protect Touch the Menu tab Touch the desired item next to ProtectEditing videos and photos Divide Oombine Editing videos and photos File Info Photo Resolution ResolutionThel r Ettings VideoOthe settings Tale Macro OIS DuoTo exit the menu, touch the Return tab Othe settings Digital Zoom TIhulnbnailOthe settings Slide Show Option Video PbayOptionOthe settings Guideline LCD BdgllstnessOthe settings FV Display Date/Tine DisplayOthe settings Auto LCD Off Hdmi FV OutAM!!VO= Othe settings USB Connect PC SofiwaneOther settings FV ConnectAnynet+ HDMI-CECOthe settings File No Ca@ InfoTo exit the menu, touch the Return m tab Othe settings Date/Time Set Time ZoneDate Type Othe settings Beep Sound Othe settings Auto Power Off Shutter SoundTouch the desired item next to Shutter Sound Othe settings Quick On Stby Quick On Stby Touch the desired submenu itemOthe settings Touch the desired item next to Switch GripSwitoh Grip Default Set Lngu...........goDemo Touch the desired item next to DemoConnecting to a Using a mini Hdmi cableConnectin -TO a High Definition D7 with HDM Connecting to a Regular D7 Connectin 9 to a lVOnnecting an Audio/Video cable for the composite output Connecting to a Viewing on a IV ScreenImage appearance depends on the TV screen aspect ratio DubUn$ video¢ Dubbing to a VCR or DVD/HDD REC 9RDERPirintingphoto Direct Printing with a Pictbridge PrinterTouchYes Selected photois printed Printin 9 photos To set the date/time imprint for Pictbridge printersPrinter mode, touch the Menu tab --, Date/Time Using with a \ ir dows computer What YOU can do with a WINDC,W,,c9MPUTER Main functionUoIN G the InteHi .studio Program Usin 9 with a Windows computeUsing with a Windows compute Usin 9 with a Windows compute Changed depending on each web sites policy Using AS a Removable Storage Device Viewing the contents of storage mediaStructure of folders and files on the storage media Video IilesTrutoloshting Storage media RecordingFile number is full Cannot take a Photo Playback Editing videosCamcorder Via USB To a printer Switch USB connect Check USB cableFail OYMPT.... ,,MoAND.... oOLUTI.... ,,No Display Any.-,page31 Any*page31Youcannotformatthememorycard Adjusting the image during recording Connecting/DubbingwithotherdevicesRecorder,PC,Printer,etc Connecting to a computerConnectingtoacomputer Maintenance Additional infolrmationAdditiona, infoma,tion UoINq GcYOUR Camc Rder Abroad 105Additional information 3LOooARYqq IXIsL ,-L01tic s/iZOl 1iySpeoifio ion CmosExclusions What iS not Covered SamsungQuestions or COMMENTS? Samsung726-7864