Samsung HMX-Q10TNIHMX-Q100TNIHMXDQ130TN user manual Switoh Grip, Othe settings

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Switoh Grip

The camcorder is designed for you to use conveniently with either your right or left hand, If the "Switch Grip" sets to "On", you can use the camcorder easily with both your hands.

Press the Home (t_) button _ touch "Settings" _ "General".

2 Touch the desired item next to "Switch Grip".

1:5 To exit the menu, touch the Return (_) tab.

OFF : Disables the function.

ON : You can use the camcorder easily with both your hands.

Othe_ settings


Use this function if you want to delete all files completely or to correct problems on the storage media,

] Press the Home (1_) butters _ touch "Settings" _ "General" "Format",


2 Touch "Yes" _ "Yes".

The format is executed with a message.

]:_ To exit the menu, touch the Return(_) tab.

Do not remove the storage media or perform any other operation (such as turning off the power) during formatting. Also, be sure to

use the provided AC power adapter, as the storage media may be corrupted if the battery becomes exhausted during formatting.

®If the storage media becomes corrupted, format it again.

[_J • Do not format the storage media on a PC or other device. Make sure to format the storage media on this camcorder.

You cannot format a memory card with the protection tab set to lock. _page 31

If there is no storage media inserted, you cannot select the Format function, and its name wi, be dimmed on the menu.

FormalSing completely deletes all files and options on a memory card, including protected files. By deleting all files and options, formatting typically corrects problems, enabling stable read/write speeds and operation.

Image 81
Contents HMX-Q10UNiHMX-Q100UNiHMX-Q130UN HMX-Q10PN/HMX-Q100PNiHMX-Q130PNWrite speeds Important ¢afeCyinctruotion¢ Ventilaiion Impo¢ant safety instR,sctionsLightning California USA only Precautions Safety WARNIN, QOsoBefore reading thi¢ ucer maqual Important Informaticn on USEBefoereading this use manual Before using this camcorderFety ii folri ioi Onsull Safety informationSafety information @@O Contents Viloo ContentsFrir/irphotog Jsingwilh VVinwscoStip 2 Record witt your camcorder Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-pagTo stop recording, press the Recording start/stop button IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOpenthe,..Oi screenSTI P4 Save/eeordcd video,ser p/etos Viewivideoxorphotosorsthe/CDsceeIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii2 Manager IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSI E/5 IDa,let÷video or HotoWhats Included with Your Etting to know the oamoorderCamc Rder MXSi0NMXSiOON2Gettin 9 to know the camcode Iii2 ,nternalmicrophoneiiLocaticn of Controls Front/LeftRear/Right/Bottom Gettin 9 to know the camcordeVideo recording mode Identifying the Screen Displays@ olsDuo Left of the LCD screen Photo recording modeCenter Right of the LCD screenII Video playback mode Thumbnail view Video playback mode Single viewBottom Photo playback mode Thumbnail view Photo playback mode Single view@bfi To insert the battery Ettii t i tectINSERTING/EJECTING the BATqERY USB Gettin 9 started Charging the BAIqERYColor of the LED indicates the power or charging state Battery level displayCheckin GcTHE BAlTERY State Gettin 9 startedGettin 9 started Turning Your Camc ,RDERON/OFF Ea io operation of the oamoorderBasic opealion of the camcode UoIN G- the T.,UCH Screen OEC.... FTINcTHE Operaticn M .,DEoCBasic opealion of the camcode Switching the information display modeFor the First Time Basic operation of the camcodeSelecting the CcDoD.... Nguage INSERTING/EJECTING a MEM ,RYCARD not Supplied Ir dy toGetting ready to sta,t recoding Selecting a Suitable Memory Card not SuppliedGetting ready to start recoding Getting ready to start recording REC ,RDABLETIME and CapacityRecordable number of photos Recording time available for video in minutesGettin 9 ready to start recodin9 UoIN G the Grip Belt 180 Gettin 9 ready to start recodin9 ADJUoTIN GcTHE LCD ScreenRecording VIDECc,o Ic IrecolrdinBasic recodin9 Recording PHOTo Recording with Ease for be GcINNERo Smart AutoI1!%App......h Zooming Page Playing Videos Basic playbackBasic playback Various playback operations Viewing Photos Basic playback ¢ing the menu item€ Items to adjust for scene conditions. -pagesHandling Menus Item for a fun and unique look, =pagesMenu Items Usin 9 the menu itemsManual menu items Art Film menu itemsSettings menu items To set the white balance manually Wlhit÷ BalanceEV Exposune Value Back Liglht Advanced recodingsSelf Timer Advanced Cont Shot FocusRecodings Fadef Peci l effects folr Irecolrding$pecU effects for recordings Time Lapse REC$pecU effects forecodings Digital Effect Delete Protect Editing videos and photosTouch the file you want to protect Touch the Menu tab Touch the desired item next to ProtectEditing videos and photos Divide Oombine Editing videos and photos File Info Resolution Photo ResolutionThel r Ettings VideoOthe settings Tale Macro OIS DuoTo exit the menu, touch the Return tab TIhulnbnail Othe settings Digital ZoomVideo PbayOption Othe settings Slide Show OptionLCD Bdgllstness Othe settings GuidelineDate/Tine Display Othe settings FV DisplayOthe settings Auto LCD Off Hdmi FV OutAM!!VO= PC Sofiwane Othe settings USB ConnectFV Connect Other settingsAnynet+ HDMI-CECOthe settings File No Ca@ InfoTo exit the menu, touch the Return m tab Othe settings Date/Time Set Time ZoneDate Type Othe settings Beep Sound Othe settings Auto Power Off Shutter SoundTouch the desired item next to Shutter Sound Quick On Stby Touch the desired submenu item Othe settings Quick On StbyOthe settings Touch the desired item next to Switch GripSwitoh Grip Lngu...........go Default SetTouch the desired item next to Demo DemoConnecting to a Using a mini Hdmi cableConnectin -TO a High Definition D7 with HDM Connecting to a Regular D7 Connectin 9 to a lVOnnecting an Audio/Video cable for the composite output Connecting to a Viewing on a IV ScreenImage appearance depends on the TV screen aspect ratio Dubbing to a VCR or DVD/HDD REC 9RDER DubUn$ video¢Pirintingphoto Direct Printing with a Pictbridge PrinterTouchYes Selected photois printed Printin 9 photos To set the date/time imprint for Pictbridge printersPrinter mode, touch the Menu tab --, Date/Time What YOU can do with a WINDC,W,,c Using with a \ ir dows computer9MPUTER Main functionUsin 9 with a Windows compute UoIN G the InteHi .studio ProgramUsing with a Windows compute Usin 9 with a Windows compute Changed depending on each web sites policy Viewing the contents of storage media Using AS a Removable Storage DeviceVideo Iiles Structure of folders and files on the storage mediaTrutoloshting Recording Storage mediaFile number is full Cannot take a Photo Editing videos PlaybackCamcorder Via USB To a printer Switch USB connect Check USB cableFail OYMPT.... ,,MoAND.... oOLUTI.... ,,No Display Any.-,page31 Any*page31Youcannotformatthememorycard Adjusting the image during recording Connecting to a computer Connecting/DubbingwithotherdevicesRecorder,PC,Printer,etcConnectingtoacomputer Additional infolrmation Maintenance105 Additiona, infoma,tion UoINq GcYOUR Camc Rder AbroadIXIsL ,-L Additional information 3LOooARYqq01tic s/iZOl 1iyCmos Speoifio ionSamsung Exclusions What iS not CoveredQuestions or COMMENTS? Samsung726-7864