-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued---------
MD (synchronization with motor drive)
At the motor drive (MD) setting , the S8 -16 is able to recycle fast enough to synchronize with a motor-driven camera firing continuously up to four frames per second . It is possible to take up to eight flash pictures in rapid succession in this way. At the MD setting , only the main flash head fires and the light output is approx. one- sixteenth that of the flash unit'smaximum power. Like the M setting , this setting is also for manual operation; therefore, the exposure should be calculated manually using the exposure calculator dial or guide number equation shown on page 30.
Note: As sufficient power is required for the flash unit to synchronize with a motor drive, use the newest and freshest batteries whenever possible. For the same reason, avoid tripping the shutter immediately after the ready-light comes on. but wait for at least 30 seconds before beginning the motor drive sequence.
Exposure Calculator Dial @
The exposure calculator dial on the back of the S8 -16 helps you select the aperture you must set on the lens depending on the camera-to-subjectlflash-to-subject distance. To use the dial, follow these steps:
1) Set the film speed
To set the ASAIISO film speed, turn the ASA/ISO fi lm speed setting ring until the number corresponding to the speed of your film is opposite the ASA/ ISO film speed index. Dots between the numbers on the film speed scale represent intermediate settings .