F 3·•• rle.
FA 'I. A S·'
F E2 'II.AS·'
FM2 (with 1/250 • • c. a yno apead) via A S·'
FM 2 (with 11200 •• 0. aync .peed) 'I. AS·'
F·501/N2020 'II.AS·', F·301/N2OOQ 'II.A S·'
FO 'I. A S·'
FO ·20 'II.AS·.
Nlkono.·Y 'II.Y1'1paSync Cord and AS·.
Shutt.r .peed
Seiling (•• c .)
All sel1ings
All seUings except M250 and B (In p. S, A and M modes)
M25O. B
<In p. S, A and M modell)
All settings except M250 and B
M250, B
AUTO. 11125 or slower
1/250 or r.ater
1/250 or slower
1/500 or t••ler
1 / 200 ( x 200) or slower
11250 or t••ter
Ail settings
All seUlngs except M90 and B
M90, B
Ali settings except M90 and B
Ali settings except M90 and B
M90 , B
Shooting mode
Al , A2, M , MD
Al , A2, M , MD
Al.A2. M , MD
At , A2 , M, MD
Al, A2, M, MD
At, A2, M, MD
Al.A2. M. MD
AI . A2, M , MD
Al,A2, M, MO
Al , A2 , M , MD
At, A2. M. MO
At , A2. M . MO
Al . A2. M . MO
Al , A2, M, MO
AI , A2 , M, MO
At , A2, M , MD
AI , A2 , M , MD
Al , A2. M, MO
SB·18A'. | Camer.'. ready·Ught |
| |
re.dy·llght | Meter ON | M.terOF F | |
Llghls up· | Lighls up· | Lights up· |
Lights up·· | Lights up· · | Lights up·' | |
Blink. | Blinks | Doe. not light up | |
Lights up·· | Lights up'· | Does not 1I0hl up | |
BUnk. |
| BUnk. |
Lights up· · |
| Llghl. up·· | |
Blink. | Blink. | Doe. not Iloht up | |
Light. up'· | Lights up·· | Doe. not light up | |
Blink. |
| Blink. |
UghlS up '· |
| Lights up·· | |
8l1nk. | Blink. | 8l1nk. |
Ughts up·" | Ughts up· · | Light. up·' | |
8link. | Blink.··· | Blink. |
Ught. up·· | BUnk. | Light. up·· | |
Blink. | stink. | Blink. |
Ughts up·· | Lights up·· | Ught. up" |
Blink. | Blink.··· | Blink.··· |
Llghta up·" | Stinks | Blink. |
BUnke | Blink. | Blink. |
Ughts up·· | Lights up·· | Lights up·· | |
Bllnka | Blinks··· | Blink.··· |
L hi. up·· | Blink. | Blink. |
Blink. | Blink. | eo.. not light up | |
LightS up·· | LightS up | Does not light up | |
8llnk. | Blink. | eo.. not II | tu |
Lights up·· | Ughts up·· | Does not light up | |
Blinks |
| Blink. |
Lights up·' |
| Lights up·· | |
Blink. | Blinks | Doe. not Ughl up | |
Lights up·· | Lights up·· | Does not light up | |
Blink. |
| 8l1nk. |
Lights up·· |
| Lights up·' | |
Blink. | Blinks | Doe. not II | hi up |
Lights up·· | Lights up·· | Does nOI light up | |
Blink. |
| Blink. |
Lights up·· |
| Light s up·· |
'It blinks when the film speed setting on the camera is beyond the usable range for the TTL mode or when the mounting foot is not securely locked. "It blinks when the mounting foot is not securely locked.
"'It blinks irregularly.
c::::::J = Proper flash synchronization is impossible due to improper setting of shutter speed or shocting mode.
Note: With a mechanical shutter speed set on the camera. the camera 's exposure meter remains off even if you depress the shutter release button.