-CONTROLS IN DETAIL - continued --------
Wide-Flash Adapter SW-5 CD
The angle of illumination of the
Note: With Ihe SW·5 aI/ached, Ihe lighl oulpul 01 Ihe flash unil is reduced, resulting in a decrease in guide number lrom 32 10 22 (ASA/ISO 100 and melers) or 52 10 36 (ASA /ISO 25 and leet). Aulomatic shooling ranges wilh ASA/ISO 100 decrease 10 O.6m 10 5.6m (21018 II.) 011/4, O.6m 104m (210 1311.) 011/5. 6andO. 6m 10 2. 8m (210911 .)011/8.