GX1660 User Manual |
EdgeAny – rising or falling edge
LevelHigh – active high signal
LevelLow – active low signal
AcqStartTriggerMode - Selects if the start of acquisition should be stimulated by an external hardware trigger. See the AcquisitionStart command for software triggering.
SyncIn1 – trigger at SyncIn1 to be associated with this control
SyncIn2 – trigger at SyncIn2 to be associated with this control
Disabled – an external trigger does not control start of acquisition
When FrameStartTriggerMode is set to FixedRate, this control specifies the frame rate.
Controls relating to the triggering of frames within an acquisition.
FrameStartTriggerDelay -
FrameStartTriggerEvent - The external trigger can be configured to accept various trigger event types:
EdgeRising – rising edge trigger
EdgeFalling – falling edge trigger
EdgeAny – rising or falling edge
LevelHigh – active high signal
LevelLow – active low signal
FrameStartTriggerMode - Determines how an image frame is initiated within an acquisition.
Freerun – camera runs at maximum supported frame rate depending on the exposure time and region of interest size.
SyncIn1 - external trigger SyncIn1 SyncIn2 - external trigger SyncIn2
FixedRate - camera
FrameStartTriggerSoftware – A command. Valid when FrameStartTriggerMode equals Software. In SampleViewer, when selected a button appears at the bottom of the controls window that snaps a single image when pressed.
AcquisitionAbort – A command. In SampleViewer, when selected a button appears at the bottom of the controls window that aborts the acquisition when pressed.
AcquisitionFrameCount - Define the number of frames to capture when capturing a limited sequence of images. Used in combination with MultiFrame and Recorder acquisition modes.
The acquisition modes, which determine how the camera handles frame triggers within the acquisition stream.
Continuous – After an acquisition start event, the camera will continuously receive frame trigger events, or in the case where FrameStartTriggerMode equals Freerun, will continuously stream. This is the normal acquisition mode of the camera.
Allied Vision Technologies (Canada) Inc. | 30 |