Argus DC2700 Camera User Manual
the word "MOVIE."
The Thumbnail Presentation shows four images at a time. Individual images (or Sound files or Movies) can be selected for more information (see File Info above). The Up and Down Buttons will scroll between the pages. Done will return to the prior menu.
Selecting TV will transfer the display output to the NTSC/PAL Video source. Note that the Viewfinder Display will go blank and if you're not attached to a TV, you will see nothing. Turning power off and then on (or waiting for an automatic shut down) will restore the menus and images to the Viewfinder Display.
Delete All
The Delete All Selection will allow you to erase the Entire Contents of the Compact Flash Memory Card. You will be asked to Confirm.
Slide Show
The Slide Show Selection will present a continuous Slide Show in the file sequence order. Sound and Movie files will be presented in their natural order, intermixed with the images. This implies that each sound file will play while the prior image file can still be seen. The time per slide can be increased or decreased with the Up and Down buttons respectively. The Select Button will stop the Slide Show.
Note that the Slide Show can be shown either on the internal Viewfinder or external TV by selecting that display first.
3.1.3 INFO – Camera Information
USED 1604 KB
FREE 2284 KB
SIZE 3888 KB
The Camera Info Menu displays the current battery level and the amount of Compact Flash Memory that has been used. Selecting Done will return you to the Main Menu
The Version number indicates the Firmware revision number loaded into the camera.
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