Installing the program for Windows
If you select 'Custom,' a screen with the list of all program elements appears. Select the desired features and click 'Next.'
If you select 'View User's Guide,' the PDF version of the user's guide will come up. If the Adobe Acrobat program is not installed, it is installed automatically.
If you select ‘PhotoThru,’ only the PhotoThru program will be installed.
'Printer' is selected in default and you don't have to select it.
5 After the installation is finished, the window asking you to print a test page appears. If you choose to print a test page, elect the check box and click 'Next.'
6 When the test page prints out correctly, click 'Yes.'
If not, click 'No' to reprint it.
7 To register yourself as a user of Samsung Printers in order to receive information from Samsung, select the checkbox and click 'Finish'. You are now sent to the Samsung web site.
Otherwise, just click ‘Finish.’
You can print images from now. Open the file to print and start printing.
◀ Windows XP screen