display intensity
standby link
play link
record link
Linked Functions
The Nº380S has the ability to “link” several of its functions to certain compatible Mark Levinson components (such as the Nº30.5 or Nº36S digital processors and the Nº31.5 and Nº37 CD transport).
To take advantage of linked functions, you must connect the Nº380S to the other, compatible Mark Levinson components via their communication ports. (See “Rear Panel” and “Setup and Installation.”)
There are four linked functions in the Nº380S:
Adjusting the display intensity on any Linked component will adjust the displays in the other Linked components as well, keeping them all at a consistent bright- ness level.
Placing the Nº380S into standby will also place the compatible Mark Levinson digital processor and transport into standby, except during a digital recording session (see record link section, below). Placing either digital component into standby will have no effect on the Nº380S, since you might well wish to continue listening to a different source component such as a tuner.
Taking a Linked Mark Levinson source component out of Standby will also cause the Nº380S to come out of Standby (and select the appropriate
Placing your Mark Levinson transport in play will activate both the corresponding Mark Levinson digital processor and the Nº380S if either or both is in standby. In addition, the appropriate inputs will be selected on the digital processor and on the Nº380S (specifically, the input which has an name of a Mark Levinson source component such as Nº30, No36 or No39).
Similarly, activating a Linked Mark Levinson digital processor will select the appro- priate input on the Nº380S (should you be using the processor with an unlinked DAT machine, for example).
Placing the Nº380S into standby while your Mark Levinson digital audio proces- sor is in record mode and a Mark Levinson transport is in Record Link mode will cause a warning to be displayed on the digital component. Both digital com- ponents will be prevented from going into standby without explicit confirmation at those components that this is what you desire. In this way, inadvertent inter- ruption of a digital recording in process can be avoided.