Sony HDW-730S, HDW-750P manual SMPTE-240M

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Key to the matrix and gamma curve numbers used in the paint menu:

oEBU matrix is recommended, or ITU-709 preferred by BBC R&D. o Matrix off will give an acceptable but desaturated look.

o Standard Gamma curve 4 has a high initial gain, and is useful if going through a grading process during post production.



Std. Gamma

Film Gamma



Digi Beta (3x)




MPTE 240M (4x)




ITU 709 (4.5x)




BBC (5x)




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The lens mount is the standard 2/3” bayonet mount, and all the main manufacturers provide a range of HD lenses, in film style and EFP variants, plus several sets of primes. You can of course use SD lenses on HD cameras, and they’ll function perfectly well. It does seem a bit like buying a very expensive hi-fi system and using some cheap speakers though.

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There is no particular problem with back focus on the ‘750 / 730, or the ‘F900. It’s a slightly more precise adjustment, because of the smaller circle of confusion of HD, but the principle is the same as SD.

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There are three options available:

HDVF-20W Monochrome tube monocular. (Flicker / blur in progressive mode can be exaggerated in the viewfinder.)

HDVF-C30W Colour LCD monocular (Needs version 1.70+ AT and SS software. No mounting point for front mic.)

HDVF-C750 Colour LCD 6.5” (Useful sidemount bracket which attaches to VCT-14 tripod plate is available from Dowling Design:

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A complete list of menu items is attached. The ops manual and volume 1 of the maintenance guide will tell you what each item does, but you may find the list useful to note down your preferred settings.

A suggestion is offered where something other than the factory preset will give good results.

Values in square brackets [ ] are suggestions that will give a set up appropriate for film transfer when using the pre-knee ‘fix’ option in the DCC page of the maintenance menu, which is available with software V2.0 onwards



Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, no responsibility can be accepted for consequential loss resulting from any error contained in it. Software versions change regularly. Please check that your pictures look the way you want them to on a properly set up monitor when entering new settings.￿


Image 11
Contents Neil Thompson January This is effectively a factory reset User Customize HDW-750P HDW-730SUser Menu Top menuPaint Menu Maintenance MenuDiagnostics Service MenuFactory What it says Memory Stick PresetService + $% If you have a memory stick with setups already stored on itPage At a frame rate Film shutter angle Is equivalent to 24 fps How do you tell if the down-converter option is fitted? 24 5 & +34 -4 SMPTE-240M 5min MicMono/stereo Off135 240Matrix Shutter Enable ECSLens File Lens File Select Stop Umid SET EX Ownership REC Black GammaMaster BLK Gamma Matrix PresetBLK Gamma Black Gamma BLK Gamma RangeCH 1/2 or SW 600% Int/extFix/time 3200Clear ND Offset ND Comp ND Offset AdjustND Adjust Mode Format Current Next User PresetLens RGB V Para Lens File Shading CH SEL Output SEL G/B Lens RGB H SAWLens RGB H Para Lens RGB V SAW