CY8C22x13 Final Data Sheet | 3. Electrical Specifications |
3.4.2AC General Purpose IO Specifications
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75V to 5.25V and
Table 3-16. AC GPIO Specifications
Symbol | Description |
| Min |
| Typ |
| Max | Units | Notes |
FGPIO | GPIO Operating Frequency | 0 |
| – |
| 12 |
| MHz |
TRiseF | Rise Time, Normal Strong Mode, Cload = 50 pF | 3 |
| – |
| 18 |
| ns | Vdd = 4.5 to 5.25V, 10% - 90% |
TFallF | Fall Time, Normal Strong Mode, Cload = 50 pF | 2 |
| – |
| 18 |
| ns | Vdd = 4.5 to 5.25V, 10% - 90% |
TRiseS | Rise Time, Slow Strong Mode, Cload = 50 pF | 10 |
| 27 |
| – |
| ns | Vdd = 3 to 5.25V, 10% - 90% |
TFallS | Fall Time, Slow Strong Mode, Cload = 50 pF | 10 |
| 22 |
| – |
| ns | Vdd = 3 to 5.25V, 10% - 90% |
TRiseF | TFallF |
TRiseS | TFallS |
Figure 3-7. GPIO Timing Diagram
June 3, 2004 | Document No. | 24 |
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