off : Auto Flip function does not activate.
full_digital : This is Digital Flip on Web page. The top/bottom and left/right of the image flips when the object has passed the bottom of the camera, at the position of 135 degrees.
half : Thi is Mode1 on Web page. When the camera faces bottom, it rotates 180 degrees horizontally and stops. In this case, the operating direction of the camera is the same as that of the Pan/Tilt lever.
full : This is Mode2 on Web page. When the camera faces bottom, it rotates 180 degrees horizontally and the operating direction of the camera is opposite that of the Tilt lever. Select this mode if you wish to operate continuously. Once operation stops, the direction will return to normal.
full_reverse : This is Mode3 on Web page. When the camera faces bottom, it rotates 180 degrees horizontally and the operating direction of the camera is opposite that of the Tilt lever. However, the operating direction will return to normal 10 seconds after the operation has stopped.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Auto Flip for VN-V686
Format /api/param?camera.motion.tilt.auto_flip=data
Example to set horizontal /api/param?camera.motion.tilt.auto_flip=full_digital
Example of Response camera.motion.tilt.auto_flip&202
Interpretation Set auto flip mode. Specify off, full_digital, half, full or full_reverse. The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Current Status of Digital Flip from VN-V686
Format /api/param?camera.motion.tilt.auto_flip.full_digital.status
Example of response camera.motion.tilt.auto_flip.full_digital.status=off&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire current status of digital flip. "on" or "off" is returned. When off is returned, the image is not reversed. When onn is returned, the image is reversed.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
(2) PTZ Control
Getting Pan Position from VN-V686
Format /api/param?camera.motion.pan
Example of response camera.motion.pan=45.00&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire current pan position in degrees. Value from 0.00 to 359.99 is returned. Allowed users admin, operator, user