MemoryFrame User’s Manual
will make the image available in the Windows Clipboard for subsequent Paste.
6.5.4Inserting an image into a slideshow
In addition to the Drag&Drop and Paste functions discussed earlier, you can also Insert an image from a directory or storage device with the “Insert Image from File” option available in the Edit menu. This option will ask you to specify the location or Browse to find.
6.5.5Rotating an image in a slideshow
Some of your pictures will have been taken with the camera in a horizontal position, and others in a vertical position. The Rotate 90º option is under the Edit menu (or
6.5.6Hiding an image in a slideshow
You may not want to delete an image from a slideshow, but still not want to display it in that slideshow. Selecting Hide Image from the Edit menu allows you to hide that particular slide. This setting can also be reversed to unhide the slide in the show. This option can also be selected from the Image Properties screen discussed below.
6.5.7Copying images from one slideshow to another
You Since Digital PixMaster can have only one slideshow open at one time, you must open/start another session of Digital PixMaster (by double clicking on its icon again or invoking from the Windows Program list), in order to copy images from one slideshow to another show. With two instances of Digital PixMaster running, you can drag images from one show to another.
6.5.8Image Properties: Transition Effects and Timings
Digital PixMaster features a wide variety of transitions between images. Selecting Image Properties from the Edit menu allows you to assign transitions, fill colors, and set the slide display duration time for each individual slide (or apply to all slides). Figure 12 below shows the Image Properties screen.
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