Reference - Equalization
The LSR4328P and LSR4326P provide six factory EQ presets. (A complete listing of all parameters for the factory presets is presented in Appendix A). To recall a preset, press the front panel PRESET button on any networked speaker (it will begin blinking), then use the
+or – buttons to select the desired preset. Preset 1 is indicated by the
Preset 0 is a special case. Indicated by the lighting of a single LED on either side of the center
or attenuation.
Whenever a preset is selected, the LF and HF buttons will illuminate to indicate whether the currently selected preset contains LF and/or HF boost or cut (the button corresponding to the most recently changed band will flash). The preset becomes active when the PRESET button stops flashing (after 3 seconds). If no preset is selected, the system will return to its current settings. If preset “0” is selected before the 3 second
Equalization presets can be stored in memory or to disk with the use of the supplied LSR4300 Control Center software. Changes made to a preset are held in memory even when the LSR4300 is powered down; however, without the use of the software, any changes made will be lost when another preset is called up.
A preset can be deactivated by pressing the EQ ON button until the light goes out, or by manually setting both the LF and HF values to 0 dB.