Sears 153333030, 153333100, 153333131 This may reducethe changesof flammablevaporsfrom a floor

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Improper installation, adiustment0 alteration, service or mainte- nance can cause DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE_ Refer to this manual for assistance or

consult your local Sears Service Center for further information.


At the time of manufacture this water heater was provided with a combination temperature-pressure relief valve certified by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materlars, as meeting the requirements for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas

ShutoffDevices for Hot Water Supply Systems, and the latest edition of ANSI Z21.22 and the code requirements of ASME. If replaced, the valve must meet the requirements of local codes, but not tess than a combination temperature and pressure relief valve certified as meeting the requirements for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems,ANSI Z2t.22 by a nationally recognized testing labo- ratory that maintains periodic inspection of production o-flisted equipment or materials.

The valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure not to exceed the marked hydrostatic working pressure of the water

heater (150 Ibs_/sq. in.) and a discharge capacity not less than the water heater input rate as shown on the model rating

plate. (Electric beaters - watts divided by 1000 x 3415 equal BTU/Hr. rate.)

Your local jurisdictional authority, while mandating the use of a temperature-pressure relief valve compiyin_ with ANSI Z21.22

and ASME, may require a valve model di_erent from the one furnished with the water heater.

Compliance wilh such local requirements must be satisfied by the installer or end user of the water heater with a locally pre- scribed temperature_pressure relief valve installed in the desig- nated opening in the water heater in place of the factory fur- nished valve.

For safe operation of the water heater, the relief valve must not be removed from it'sdesignatedopening or plugged.

The temperature-pressure relief valve must be i-nstalleddirectly

into tee fitting of the water heater designated for the relief valve. Position the valve downward and provide tubing so that

any discharge will exit only within 6 inches above, or at any distance below the structural floor. Be certain that no contact

is made with any llve electrical part. The discharge opening must not be blocked or reducedin size under any circum- stances. Excessivelength, over 30 feet, or use of more than four

elbows can cause restriction and reduce the discharge capacity of the valve.

No valve or other obstruction is to be placed between the relief valve and the tank. Do not connect tubing directly to discharge drain unlessa 6" air gap is provided. To prevent bod-

ily injur-y, hazard to llfe, or prO)petty damage, therelief valve must be allowed to discharge water in quantltles should cir-

cumstances demand. If the _]ischarge pipe is not connected to a drain or other suitable means, the water flow may cause property damage; ........

The Discharge Pipe:

--Mustnot be smaller in size than the outlet pipe size of the valve, or have any reducing couplings or other r'estrictions°

--Mustnot be plugged or blocked.

--Must be of material listed for hot water distribution.

_Must be installed so as to allow complete drainage of both the temperature-pressure relief valve, and the dlscbarge pipe.

--Mustterminate at an adequate drain.

--Mustnot have any valve between the relief valve and tank.



water heater is equipped for one type gas only. Check lee model rating plate near the gascontrol valve for the correct gas.DO NOT


correct gas can causeproblems which can result in DEATH, SERI-

OUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTYDAMAGE. If you have any questionsor doubtsconsultyour gassupplieror local utdlty.


A fire can start if combustiblematerialssuchas clothing, cleaning materlalsor flammableliquidsare placedagainstor next to the




emitflammablevapors,maybe improperlystoredor usedin such areas.The gaswaterheaterpdot fightor mainburnercan Ignite such vapors,The resultingflashbackand fire can causedeathor seriousburnsto anyonein thearea,aswellaspropertydamage.

If installation in suchareasis youronlyoption,thenthe installa-

llon mustbe accomplishedin a way that thepilotflameandmain burnerflameare elevatedfrom thefloor at least18 inches.While

this may reducethe changesof flammablevaporsfrom a floor

spill being ignited, gasoffneand other flammablesubstances shouldnever-bestoredor usedin the sameroomor areacontain-

ing a gaswater heater or otheropenflame or sparkproducing appliance.

I_OTE:Flammablevaporsmay be drawn by air currentsfrom otherareasof thestructureto the appliance,


HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Waterheatersareintendedtopro- duce hotwater.Water heatedtoa temperaturewhich willsatisfy

clothes washing, dish washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald and permanently injure you upon contact. Some people are more likely to be permanently injured by hot water than others°

These include the elderly, children, the infirm, or physically/men- tally handicapped. If anyone using hot water in your home fits into one of these groups or if there is a local code or state Jaw requiring a certain_temperaturewater at the hot water tap, then you must lake special precautions. In addition to usingthe lowest

possibletemperature settin_ that satisfiesyour hot water needs, some type of tempering dewce, suchas a mixing valve, shouldbe used at the hot water taps used by these people or at the water

heater. Mixing valves are available at plumbing supply or hard- ware stores, l_ollow manufacturersinstructions-forinstallation of

the valves.Before changingthe factory setting on the thermostat,

read the "Temperature Regulation" section in this manual.



Propane (LR) gasis heavier than air. Should there be a leak in the system, the gas will settle near the ground. Basements, crawl spaces,skirted areas under mobile homes(even when ventilated), cosetsand areasbelow ground level will serve as pocketsfor the accumulation of this gas. Before attempting to light or religbt the water heater'spilot or turning on a nearbyetectrlcal light switch, be absolutelysure there is no accumulatedgas in the area° Search

for odor ofgas by sniffing at ground level in the vicinity of the apphance. If-odor is detected, follow stepsindicated at "For Your

Safety" on the cover pageof thismanual then leave the premises.

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Contents Save this Manual for Future Reference Whatto do if YOU Smell GASDEATH, Serious Bodily INJURY, or MODEl- NumbersThis may reducethe changesof flammablevaporsfrom a floor Before Lighting Propane L,RGAS Water HEATER5Water damagein connection with this water heater Thiswaterheatermust not be installed directly on carpetingPound-persquare inch 35kPa General Height to Tank TypeMinimum CapacityYou may or may not need all of these tools, depending on OTurn ItOFF the gas supply to the water heater Minimum clearances between the water heater and com This water heater must not be installed directly on carpetFacts to Consider About the Location Allair from Inside Buildings Searsinstallation KIT Shutoff Water PipingTemperature-Pressure Relief Valve Charge capacity of the valveTion, explosionor asphyxiation Sears Service Center or gas utility for further informationFilling the Water Heater Lslopeupwardto thechimneyat least1,inchper linear footInstallation Checklist Model Rating PlateGround JOINTi Sediment TrapGAS Piping with ALL Black Iron Pipe To GAS Control For Your SAFETYFigure Before Lighting Propane LP. GAS WaterControlsystemand any gas controlwhichhas been underwater Somegasis heavierthanair andwillsetUeon thefloorWhatto Doif Yousmellgas Not ForceHotterwatercan SCALDWater heatersare intended to SMOKE/ODOR Operational ConditionsCondensation Strange SoundsNot Enough or no HOT Water High Temperature Shut OFF SystemAIR in HOT Water Faucets Burner Inspection Burner CleaningVenting System Inspection HousekeepingTemperature-Pressure Relief Tank Sediment €leaningPage Page 17 i 0270118 KEYT53.333031 153.333100 #40 #41HA153.333131 40 Gal 53333530 50 Ga 153.333531 50 Gal #38 Model NumbersPart Numbers 153o333131 40 GaL 153.333530 50 Gal 153.333531 50 GaLAbout Your Warranty Sears Installation Policy Sears Installation Warranty

153333030, 153333100, 153333130, 153333531, 153333000 specifications

Sears has long been a staple in the retail industry, and its product line reflects a commitment to quality and innovation. The following details highlight the main features, technologies, and characteristics of five specific model numbers: 153333530, 153333131, 153333031, 153333000, and 153333531.

The Sears model 153333530 is designed with durability and functionality in mind. One of its standout features is an ergonomically designed handle that provides a comfortable grip, making it user-friendly for extended periods of use. This model also incorporates advanced safety mechanisms, ensuring a secure operation that minimizes the risk of accidents.

Meanwhile, the 153333131 model offers versatility and efficiency. It comes equipped with multiple settings that allow users to customize their experience according to their specific needs. This adaptability is further enhanced by its smart technology, which can optimize performance based on the task at hand, providing a seamless user experience.

The 153333031 model aims to combine power with convenience. It boasts a robust motor that delivers impressive performance for various tasks. This model is further characterized by its lightweight design, which makes it easy to maneuver, especially in tight spaces. Additionally, it includes an energy-efficient feature that helps reduce power consumption without compromising on effectiveness.

With the model 153333000, Sears emphasizes portability and compactness. This unit is specifically designed for users who require a product that is easy to transport. Its folding mechanism allows for efficient storage, making it perfect for those with limited space. The model also incorporates modern technology, such as Bluetooth connectivity, enabling users to control it remotely through a smartphone application.

Lastly, the Sears 153333531 model stands out due to its environmentally friendly design. This model utilizes sustainable materials that reduce its carbon footprint while maintaining high quality and reliability. Its advanced filtration system not only enhances performance but also contributes to a healthier home environment.

In summary, these Sears models showcase diverse features and technologies aimed at enhancing user convenience, safety, and performance. By focusing on ergonomics, versatility, power, portability, and sustainability, Sears continues to meet the evolving needs of consumers while also championing innovation in the retail space.