1 button for opening the control unit 2 Button for switching the device on and
off and for muting the device
3 Volume control
4 Softkeys. The function of the Softkeys depends on the contents of the dis- play at the time
5 OK button for confirming menu entries and for leaving the menu
6 DEQ button for calling up the equaliz- er menu
8 MENU button, which calls up the bas- ic settings menu
9AUD button for adjusting bass, treble, balance, fader and loudness
:DIS button, to change the contents of the display
<CC button, to start cassette play
= CDC button, to start play from the CD changer (only if connected) or
play from an external audio source (only if connected)
> TUNE button, to begin radio operation Calling up the radio function menu (only possible when the radio is switched on)