Safety information
Traffic safety
Traffic safety always has the highest prior- ity.
As the driver of a motor vehicle, it is your responsibility to pay attention to the traffic situation at all times. Never use your car radio in a way that could distract you.
Please keep in mind that you travel a dis- tance of 14 m per second at a speed of only 50 km/h.
Should the traffic situation become particu- larly demanding, we advise you not to use this equipment.
Always make sure that you are still able to hear any warning signals coming from out- side of your vehicle, such as police or fire engine sirens, so that you can react ac- cordingly.
Consequently, you should always select a moderate volume for playing your car au- dio equipment while you are driving.
Using the telephone while driving
Please observe all laws and regulations regarding the use of mobile telephones in motor vehicles.
•Concentrate fully on your driving.
•Stop at a safe place before using the telephone.
•If otherwise unavoidable:
Use only
Traffic safety always has the highest prior- ity.
Using the telephone in critical areas
Always switch off the mobile telephone in areas where it is forbidden to use a mo- bile phone or if this equipment could cause electromagnetic interference or otherwise dangerous situations.
Using the telephone can result in interfer- ence with the correct functioning of medi- cal equipment that is not sufficiently shielded, particularly near the antenna. Please consult a doctor or the manufac- turer of the medical device if you have any questions. Other electronic equipment can also be affected by electromagnetic inter- ference.
If you are in an area where there is danger of explosion, e.g. filling stations, chemical factories or places where blasting work is being done, switch your telephone off.
Emergency calls
As with every other mobile telephone, the Radiophone operates using a combination of mobile radio and
The telephone interface of the Radiophone is only able to make and receive calls when it is activated, located in an area served by a GSM 900 radio network and when the signal is strong enough.
Emergency calls may not be possible on all mobile telephone networks or only if certain network services and/or certain performance features are active. Contact the local network operators for more de- tailed information.
Please read this instruction manual for fur- ther information and consult your local serv- ice provider.
When placing an emergency call, be sure to supply all the necessary information as ac- curately as possible. Remember that your mobile telephone may be the only means of communication at the scene of an accident.