id.txt: | Display of technical data | |
| Bluetooth USB Interface | Product name of the interface |
| 7 607 545 550 001 | Blaupunkt product no |
| Bluetooth address (serial number of the interface) | |
| HW ver: 1 | Hardware version, here "1" |
| SW ver: 8C01VW | Software version, here "8C01VW" |
| P.Date 7113 P.Code: CN | Production date and code (coded) |
| Config:[CDC_..] [CFG_PB_..] | Configurations defined in the interface |
Changing the configuration (PTT)
This requires:
•PC with Internet connection
•Removable USB device with at least 4 MB memory (FAT16 or FAT32 formatting)
•ZIP software to unzip the configuration files
Loading a configuration file
The Bluetooth USB interface comes ex factory with a standard configuration that offers reliable operation in combination with as many radio mo- dels and Bluetooth devices as possible.
You can match various settings from the above ta- bles to your personal preferences or technical re- quirements by loading a configuration file.
The following configuration is available:
In the download archive you will find the file "config_VW_universal.txt". This file in- cludes all possible configuration settings. You can select your favorite configuration by ac- tivating (remove # in the first column) or deac- tivating (add # in the first column) the desired parameters.
For this, proceed as follows:
Create a new "Blaupunkt" directory on the USB removable media drive.
Copy the file "config_universal.txt" from the unpacked download archive into the Blaupunkt directory of your USB data medi- um.
Rename the file in "config.txt".
Open the "config.txt" file with a text editor, e.g. Windows Notepad.
(De) activate the desired parameters. Remove/add # in the first column, see notes in the file.
Store the file and close the editor.
Deactivate the USB data medium on your PC.
Carry out the operating steps on "Changing the configuration of your interface" described in the following.
Changing the configuration in your vehicle:
Connect the USB device with the USB cable of the interface.
Turn on your car sound system.
After a few seconds (max. one minute), the interface recognises the file, analyses it and stores the modified configuration in the in- terface.
Switch the car sound system off and on again.
The new configuration is now activated.