JVC CH-X series, GET0113-001A, KS-FX621, CH-X100 manual Tape, Disconnect the speakers from this unit

Page 32

Connecting the leads /

/ µËÕ “¬µ–°—/Ë«كﻼﺳﻻا ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺗ

Twist the core wires when connecting.

∫‘¥‡ Èπ≈«¥·°π‡æ◊ËÕ‡™◊ËÕ¡µËÕ

.ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺘﻟا ﻞﺒﻗ ﺢﻴﺤﺻ ﻞﻜﺸﺑ كﻼﺳﻻا مﺮﺑا


CAUTION / ￿￿ / ¢ÈÕ§«√√–«—/ßﻪﻴﺒﻨﺗ:


• To prevent short-circuit, cover the terminals of the UNUSED leads with insulating




Solder the core wires to connect them securely.

°“√ªÈÕß°—π°“√≈—¥«ß®√ ®–µÈÕßæ—π¢—È« “¬µ–°—Ë«∑’Ë ‰¡Ë „™È·≈È«¥È«¬‡∑ªæInsulating—π tape“¬‰ø) (


ﻰـﻠـﻋ ﻖـﺻﻻو لزﺎـﻋ ﻂـﻳﺮـﺷ ﻊـﺿ ،ﺔـﻴـﺋﺎـﺑﺮـﻬـﻜـﻟا ـــ ﺮـﺋاوﺪـﻟا ﻲـﻓ ﺮـﻴـﺼﻘﺘﻟا ﻊﻨﻣ ﻞﺟا ﻦﻣ


.ﺔﻠﻤﻌﺘﺴﳌا ﺮﻴﻏ كﻼﺳﻻا فاﺮﻃا

‡™◊ËÕ¡∫—¥°√’‡ Èπ≈«¥·°π∑—ÈßÀ¡¥‡¢È“¥È«¬°—π ‡æ◊ËÕ§«“¡ª≈Õ¥¿—¬„π°“√„™Èß“π

ﺪــــﻌــــﺑ ﻢـــﻜـــﺤـــﻣو ﺢــــﻴــــﺤــــﺻ ﻞــــﻜـــﺸـــﺑ كﻼـــﺳﻻا ﻢـــﳊا






Connections Adding Other Equipment /

/ °“√µËÕ‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡‡¢È“°—∫Õÿª°√≥ÏÕ◊Ëπ/ﺔﻴﻓﺎﺿﻻاÊ ىﺮﺧﻻا ةﺰﻬﺟﻻا ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺗ

You can connect an amplifier and other



§ÿ≥ “¡“√∂µËÕ‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬·≈–Õÿª°√≥ÏÕ◊Ëπ Ê

ﲔـﺴﺤﺘﻟ ﺮﺧا زﺎﻬﺟو تﻮـﺻ ﻢـﺨﻀﻣ ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺗ ﻚﻨﻜﳝ

equipment to upgrade your car stereo system.







.ةرﺎﻴﺴﻟا ﻮﻳﺮﻴﺘﺳ زﺎﻬﺟ ءادا

• Connect the remote lead (blue with white




µËÕ “¬µ–°—Ë«√–¬–‰°≈ (

’πÈ”‡ß‘π≈“¬¢“«) ‡¢È“°—∫

ﻂــﻄــﻟﻤﺨا قرزﻻا)ﺪــﻌــﺑﻦــﻋﻢــﻜــﺤــﺘــﻟاﻚــﻠــﺳﻞـﺻوا


stripe) to the remote lead of the other




equipment so that it can be controlled through





ﺮﺧﻻا زﺎﻬﺠﻠﻟ ﺪﻌﺑ ﻦﻋ ﻢﻜﺤﺘﻟا ﻚﻠﺳ ﻊﻣ (ﺾﻴﺑﻻﺎﺑ




¢ÕßÕÿª°√≥ÏÕ◊Ëπ Ê ‡æ◊ËÕ®– “¡“√∂§«∫§ÿ¡‚¥¬™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’ȉ¥È


this unit.




”À√—∫‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡∑Ë“π—Èπ :

.زﺎﻬﳉا اﺬﻫ لﻼﺧ ﻦﻣ زﺎﻬﳉﺎﺑ ﻢﻜﺤﺘﻟا ﻢﺘﻳ ﺚﻴﺤﺑ





:تﻮﺼﻟا ﻢﺨﻀﳌ ﻂﻘﻓ

For amplifier only:






µËÕ¢—È« “¬ÕÕ°(Line-out)¢Õß™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’ȇ¢È“°—∫¢—È« “¬‡فاﺮﻃا¢È“ ﻊﻣ زﺎﻬﳉا اﺬﻬﻟ ﻂﳋا ـ جﺮﺧ فاﺮﻃا ﻞﺻوا ــ


– Connect this unit’s line-out terminals to the







.تﻮﺼﻟا ﻢﺨﻀﳌ ﻂﳋا ـ ﻞﺧد



amplifier’s line-in terminals.







ﻊـﻣ ﻢـﻬـﻠﺻوا ،زﺎﻬﳉا اﺬﻫ ﻦﻣ تﺎﻋﺎﻤﺴﻟا ﻞﺼﻓا ــ


– Disconnect the speakers from this unit,



∂Õ¥≈”‚æßÕÕ°®“°™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È ·≈È«µËÕ‡¢È“°—∫‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬



connect them to the amplifier. Leave the


∑‘Èß “¬µ–°—Ë«≈”‚æߢÕß™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È ‰«È

اﺬــﻫ تﺎـﻋﺎـﻤـﺳ كﻼـﺳا كﺮـﺗا .تﻮـﺼـﻟا ﻢـﺨـﻀـﻣ




ﻲﻄﻏ) .لﺎﻤﻌﺘﺳا نوﺪﺑ زﺎﻬﳉا



speaker leads of this unit unused. (Cover





(æ—π¢—È«¢Õß “¬µ–°—Ë«∑’Ë ‰¡Ë ‰¥È „™È‡À≈Ë“π’È „ÀÈ√Õ∫¥ﻂـﻳﺮـﺸـﺑÈ«¬‡∑ª ﺔـﻠـﻤـﻌـﺘﺴﳌا ﺮﻴﻏ كﻼﺳﻻا هﺬﻫ فاﺮﻃا



the terminals of these unused leads with






æ—𠓬‰ø ¥—ßµ—«Õ¬Ë“ߢȓߵÈπ)

(.ﻰﻠﻋﻻا ﻲﻓ ﺢﺿﻮﻣ ﻮﻫ ﺎﻤﻛ ،لزﺎﻋ



insulating tape, as illustrated above.)



















Amplifier /

/ ‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬/ تﻮﺼﻟا ﻢﺨﻀﻣ






Rear speakers



Remote lead

Y-connector (not supplied with this unit)



















¢ÈÕµËÕ√Ÿªµ—(‰¡Ë‰« ¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)


ﺔﻴﻔﻠﳋا تﺎﻋﺎﻤﺴﻟا












JVC Amplifier

ﺪﻌﺑ ﻦﻋ ﻢﻜﺤﺘﻟا ﻚﻠﺳ

(زﺎﻬﳉا ﻊﻣ دوﺰﻣّ ﺮﻴﻏ) Y ﻞﺻﻮﻣّ






JVC ￿￿

















Blue with white stripe





JVC ﺔﻛرﺎﻣ تﻮﺻ ﻢﺨﻀﻣ
















Signal cord (not supplied with this unit)



ﺾﻴﺑﻻﺎﺑ ﻂﻄﻟﻤﺨا قرزﻻا

To automatic antenna (if any)

“¬‡§‡∫‘≈ —≠≠“≥ (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)





‡¢È“°—∫ “¬Õ“°“»Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘ (∂È“¡’)





(ﺪﺟو نا) ﻲﻜﻴﺗﺎﻣﻮﺗوﻻا ﻲﺋاﻮﻬﻟا ﻰﻟا

(زﺎﻬﳉا ﻊﻣ دوﺰﻣّ ﺮﻴﻏ) ةرﺎﺷﻻا ﻚﻠﺳ












* Firmly attach the ground wire to the metallic body or to the chassis of the car-to the place not coated








with paint (if coated with paint, remove the paint before attaching the wire). Failure to do so may cause
















damage to this unit.



Front speakers


















* µËÕ≈«¥ “¬¥‘π„ÀÈ·πËπ‡¢È“°—∫µ—«∂—߇À≈Á° À√◊Õµ—«∂—ß√∂ - µ√ß Ë«π∑’ˉ¡Ë¡’ ’‡§≈◊Õ∫ (À“°¡’ ’‡§≈◊Õ∫Õ¬ŸË„ÀÈ¢Ÿ¥ ’ÕÕ


ﺔﻴﻣﺎﻣﻻا تﺎﻋﺎﻤﺴﻟا




À“°‰¡ËªØ‘∫—µ‘µ“¡§”·π–π” ‡§√◊ËÕßÕ“®‡


ﺮﻴﻏ ﻊﺿﻮﳌا ﻊﻣ ــ ﻲﻧﺪﻌﳌا ةرﺎﻴﺴﻟا ﻢﺴﺟ وا ﻞﻜﻴﻫ ﻊﻣ ﻢﻜﺤﻣ ﻞﻜﺸﺑ ﻲﺿرﻻا ﻚﻠﺴﻟا ﻞﺻوا * ﻲـﻓ .(ﻚـﻠﺴﻟا ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺗ ﻞﺒﻗ نﺎﻫﺪﻟا لزا ،نﺎﻫﺪﻟﺎﺑ ﻲﻠﻄﻣ ﻊﺿﻮﳌا نﺎﻛ اذا) نﺎﻫﺪﻟﺎﺑ ﻲﻠﻄﳌا

.زﺎﻬﳉا اﺬﻬﻟ رﺮﺿ ﻚﻟذ ﺐﺒﺴﻳ نا ﻦﻜﳝ نﺎﻫﺪﻟا ﺔﻟازا نود ﻞﻜﻴﻬﻟا ﻊﻣ ﻚﻠﺴﻟا ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺗ ﺔﻟﺎﺣ

External component /



/ ﻲﺟرﺎﳋا ﺖﻧﺎﻧﻮﺒﻤﻜﻟا زﺎﻬﺟ
















































Line Input Adaptor KS-U57 (not supplied with this unit)








Signal cord (not supplied with this unit)










External component





Õ·¥ª‡µÕ√Ï “¬ —≠≠“≥‡¢KSÈ“ -U57(‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)

“¬ —≠≠“≥ (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)










CD changer jack

(زﺎﻬﳉا اﺬﻫ ﻊﻣ دوﺰﻣّ ﺮﻴﻏ) KS-U57ﻂﳋا ﻞﺧد ءﻰﻳﺎﻬﻣ

(زﺎﻬﳉا اﺬﻫ ﻊﻣ دوﺰﻣّ ﺮﻴﻏ) ةرﺎﺷﻻا ﻚﻠﺳ










ﻲﺟرﺎﳋا ﺖﻧﺎﻧﻮﺒﻤﻜﻟا زﺎﻬﺟ

™ËÕ߇ ’¬∫µËÕ¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕ߇≈ËπCD ﺔﺠﻣﺪﳌا ﺔﻧاﻮﻄﺳﻻا لّﺪﺒﻣ ﺲﺒﻘﻣ CD


°“√µ√«® Õ∫ª—≠À“¢—¥¢ÈÕß

حﻼﺻﻻاو لﺎﻄﻋﻻا ﻦﻋ ﺚﺤﺒﻟا

The fuse blows.

* Are the red and black leads connected correctly?

Power cannot be turned on. * Is the yellow lead connected?

No sound from the speakers.

* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?

Sound is distorted.

*Is the speaker output lead grounded?

*Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?

Unit becomes hot.

*Is the speaker output lead grounded?

*Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?



￿ ?

*￿ ?

*￿ ?

*￿ ?


￿L ￿￿￿￿R￿





*￿ ?


￿L ￿￿￿￿R￿





ø‘« Ï¢“¥

.زﻮﻴﻔﻟا قﺮﺘﺤﻳ

ﻞــﻜـﺸـﺑ ﺔـﻟﻮــﺻﻮـﻣ دﻮــﺳﻻاو ﺮــﻤــﺣﻻا ﻚـﻠـﺴـﻟا ﻞـﻫ *


¡’°“√‡™◊ËÕ¡ “¬µ–°—Ë« ’¥”·≈– ’·¥ßլ˓ß∂Ÿ°µÈÕßÀ√◊Õ‰¡Ë



‰¡Ë “¡“√∂‡ª‘¥‡§√◊ËÕ߉¥È

.ﺔﻴﺋﺎﺑﺮﻬﻜﻟا ﺔﻗﺎﻄﻟا ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺗ ﻦﻜﳝ ﻻ


¡’°“√‡™◊ËÕ¡ “¬µ–°—Ë« ’‡À≈◊ÕßÀ√◊Õ‰¡Ë

؟ﻻﻮﺻﻮﻣ ﺮﻔﺻﻻا ﻚﻠﺴﻟا ﻞﻫ *

‰¡Ë¡’‡ ’¬ßÕÕ°®“°≈”‚æß

.تﺎﻋﺎﻤﺴﻟا ﻦﻣ تﻮﺻ رﺪﺼﻳ ﻻ


“¬µ–°—Ë« Ë«π∑’ËÕÕ°∑“ß≈”‚æ߇°‘¥‰øøÈ“≈—¥«ß®√À√◊Õ‰¡Ë

جﺮـــﺧ ﻚــﻠــﺳ ةﺮـــﺋاد ﻲـــﻓ ﺮـــﻴـــﺼـــﻘـــﺗ ﻚــﻟﺎــﻨــﻫ ﻞــﻫ *

‡ ’¬ß‡æ’Ȭπ


.هﻮﺸﻣ تﻮﺼﻟا


“¬µ–°—Ë« Ë«π∑’ËÕÕ°∑“ß≈”‚æßµËÕ≈ߥ‘πÀ√◊Õ‰¡Ë

؟ضرﻻﺎﺑ ﻻﻮﺻﻮﻣ ﺔﻋﺎﻤﺴﻟا جﺮﺧ ﻚﻠﺳ ﻞﻫ *


“¬¢—È«≈∫ ¢Õß≈”‚æߥȓπ´È“¬·≈–¢«“µËÕ≈ߥ‘πµ“¡ª°µ‘À√◊Õ‰¡ËLىﺮﺴﻴﻟا ﺔﻋﺎﻤﺴﻠﻟ «-» ﺔﺒﻟﺎﺴﻟا فاﺮﻃﻻا ﻞﻫ *


؟ﺾﻌﺑ ﻊﻣ ضرﻻﺎﺑ ﺔﻟﻮﺻﻮﻣ R ﻰﻨﻤﻴﻟاو



.زﺎﻬﳉا ﻦﺨﺴﻳ


“¬¢—È«≈∫ ¢Õß≈”‚æߥȓπ´È“¬·≈–¢«“µËÕ≈ߥ‘πµ“¡ª°µ‘À√◊Õ‰¡Ë ؟ضرﻻﺎﺑ ﻻﻮﺻﻮﻣ ﺔﻋﺎﻤﺴﻟا جﺮﺧ ﻚﻠﺳ ﻞﻫ *



L ىﺮﺴﻴﻟا ﺔﻋﺎﻤﺴﻠﻟ «-» ﺔﺒﻟﺎﺴﻟا فاﺮﻃﻻا ﻞﻫ *



؟ﺾﻌﺑ ﻊﻣ ضرﻻﺎﺑ ﺔﻟﻮﺻﻮﻣ R ﻰﻨﻤﻴﻟاو

Image 32
Contents «‘∑¬ÿ‡§√ËÕ߇≈Ëπ‡∑ª KS-FX621Standby/on/attenuator SEL select How to reset your unitHow to use the Mode button Contents Location of the Buttons Control panelDisplay window Display windowTurning on the power To drop the volume in a momentTo turn off the power Basic OperationsRadio Operations Listening to the radioSearching a station automatically Auto search Searching a station manually Manual searchStoring stations in memory When an FM stereo broadcast is hard to receiveFM station automatic preset SSM Tune in to a station in this example, of 88.3 MHz Manual presetSelect the number 1 6 for the preset Station you want Tape Operations Listening to a cassetteTo fast-forward or rewind a tape To stop play and eject the cassetteFinding the beginning of a tune Prohibiting cassette ejection To cancel the prohibition and unlockPlaying the current tune repeatedly Sound Adjustments Adjusting the soundSelect the item you want to adjust You can adjust the sound characteristics to your PreferenceIndication For Preset values Turning on/off the loudness functionStoring your own sound adjustments To reset to the factory settingsSetting the clock Other Main FunctionsSet the hour Set the minuteSelect the desired mode-AUDIO 1, Audio 2 or OFF Finish the setting Select Level if not shown on the displaySelecting the level display Selecting the external Select the desired mode-LINE in orSelect EXT in if not shown on the display You can connect the external component to the CDDetaching the control panel Attaching the control panelSelect the CD changer CD-CH CD Changer OperationsPlaying discs To fast-forward or reverse the track/file To go to a particular disc directlyTo go to the next or previous tracks/files To skip to the next or previous folder only for MP3 discsCanceled IndicatorMode Plays at randomExternal Component Operations Select the external component LineUsing the Remote Controller Installing the batteryRemove the battery holder Place the batteryLocation of the buttons RM-RK31Troubleshooting Symptoms Causes RemediesCassette tape cannot be Insert the cassette withWhen connecting to the CD changer Reset button of the CD changerMaintenance To clean the headTo keep the tape clean Ignition key-off release/Ignition key-on playAM Tuner SpecificationsFM Tuner Slide the unit into the sleeve until it is locked Control panel Trim plateDashboard HandleTo keep the handles after installing it 12VCR2025 Be sure to ground this unit to the car’s chassisBelow, do not connect the unit Do not connect the speaker leads of the powerSeriously damaged Tape Disconnect the speakers from this unitConnect them to the amplifier. Leave Insulating tape, as illustrated above

KS-FX621, CH-X100, CH-X series, GET0113-001A, CDA-5755 specifications

The JVC CDA-5755 is a high-performance car audio receiver that embodies several cutting-edge technologies and features designed to enhance the in-car listening experience. This model combines modern aesthetics with advanced functionality, making it a popular choice among audio enthusiasts. One standout feature of the CDA-5755 is its compatibility with various audio formats, including MP3, WMA, and WAV files. This versatility enables users to enjoy their favorite music in different formats, providing flexibility when it comes to playing media.

Another remarkable characteristic of the CDA-5755 is its user-friendly interface. The device features a bright, easy-to-read LCD display that allows for effortless navigation through playlists and radio stations. Alongside this, it boasts a powerful built-in amplifier that enhances audio output, delivering clear and dynamic sound even at higher volume levels.

In conjunction with the CDA-5755, the GET0113-001A is JVC's innovative remote control designed to provide convenient access to the receiver's functions. This remote control allows users to adjust volume, change tracks, and switch between different input sources without needing to take their hands off the wheel, ensuring safer driving.

Turning to the CH-X series, particularly the CH-X100, this line of CD changers is engineered to offer seamless integration with JVC head units like the CDA-5755. The CH-X100 accommodates multiple CDs, providing a wider range of music at your fingertips. Its fast CD access and advanced loading mechanism make it easy to switch between discs, enhancing the overall listening experience during long drives.

The KS-FX621 is another significant component of JVC's car audio lineup. This cassette player and FM/AM receiver boast a built-in equalizer to fine-tune sound preferences, allowing listeners to customize their audio experience. Its robust build and reliable performance ensure that it remains a relevant choice for both classic car restoration enthusiasts and those seeking nostalgia combined with modern technology.

Together, the JVC CDA-5755, GET0113-001A, CH-X100, and KS-FX621 create a cohesive audio system that prioritizes sound quality, functionality, and user convenience. With their standout features, these products reflect JVC's commitment to delivering an exceptional entertainment experience tailored to the needs of contemporary drivers. Whether for daily commutes or road trips, this combination provides an engaging and enjoyable soundtrack for any journey.