This unit is designed to fit into a standard DIN dashboard opening of 182 x 52 mm, common in many cars. If your car does not have an existing opening of this size, it will be necessary to cut or file an opening to these dimensions. The rear side (without the lip) of the mounting sleeve may be used as a template to cut the required opening.
Insomecases,aspecialinstallationoradaptorkitmayberequiredtoproperlymounttheunit. Forassistanceoranswers toinstallation problems, call Audiovox
1.Remove the detachable front panel if it is attached to the chassis by pushing the “Release” button. Slide the mounting sleeve off of the chassis. If it is locked into position, use the removal tools (supplied) to disengage it.
2.Check the dashboard opening size by sliding the mounting sleeve into it. If the opening is not large enough, carefully cut or file as necessary until the sleeve easily slides into the opening. Do not force the sleeve into the opening or cause it to bend or bow.
3.Check that there will be sufficient space behind the dashboard for the radio chassis.
4.In most installations, it is more convenient to complete the wiring before mounting the radio in the dashboard. Follow the wiring diagram carefully and make certain all connections of the wiring harness are secure and insulated with wire nuts or electrical tape to insure proper operation of the unit. After completing the wiring connections, plug the
5.Locate the series of bend tabs along the top, bottom, and sides of the mounting sleeve. With the sleeve fully inserted into the dashboard opening, bend as many of the tabs outward as necessary so that the sleeve is firmly secured to the dashboard.
6.Place the radio in front of the dashboard opening so that the wiring
7.Carefully slide the radio into the mounting sleeve making sure it is
8.Attach one end of the perforated support strap (supplied) to the screw stud on the rear of the chassis using the hex nut provided. Fasten the other end of the perforated strap to a secure part of the dashboard either above or below the radio using the screw and hex nut provided. Bend the strap to position it as necessary.
CAUTION: The rear of the radio must be supported with the strap to prevent damage to the dashboard from the weight of the radio or improper operation due to vibration.
1.Should it be necessary to remove the radio for servicing or other reasons, first remove the detachable front panel.
2.Remove the rear support strap by taking off the hex nut securing it to the screw stud on the rear of the chassis.
3.Use the removal tools (supplied) to disengage the side spring clips and pull the radio out of the mounting sleeve.
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