I n d e x
1-touch dialing 51, 64
active profile 59 alarm clock 81
repeating 81 analog service 78 answer calls 19 antenna 14 anykey answer 64 applications
collection 93 settings 77
automatic keyguard 67 redial 64
update of service 64 update of time and date 63 voice mail 38
back cover remove 15 replace 16
battery 14, 108 authentication guidelines 101 charge 16
charging times 108 remove, replace 15
talk and standby times 109 Bluetooth connectivity 69
receive data 72 set up 71 settings 71
business cards 47
make notes 83
open 82 options 82
receive, send notes 84 settings 84
view 83
forward 78 log, see logs 40 register, see logs 40 settings 63 summary 66 timers 41 waiting 79
caller groups 48 ID 66
calling cards 64 calls
answer 19 conference 18 duration 41 make 18
mute phone during 20 options during 20 restrictions 76
show times on display 66 silence 19
certification information (SAR) 106 change lock code 75
charger 74, 100 connect 16 times 108
clock settings, see time and date conference calls 18 confirmation tones 62 contacts
add 45 delete 52 edit 47 search 44 settings 48 view 44
countdown timer 89 currency converter 89