2)“Waits” for you to press again. When you do, the phone sends the numbers 1234.
3)“Waits” for you to press again then sends the numbers 3434.
Here is an example that uses both “waits” and “pauses”:
When you recall this number from memory and press , the phone:
1)Dials 18005551212 (the stored number), then
2)“Waits” for you to press again. When you do, the phone sends the numbers 1234.
3)Pauses 2.5 seconds then sends the numbers 3434.
If the Menu 8, Keypad Tones, has been set to off, the DTMF tones will still be sent, but you will not hear them.
To end the call, press after the DTMF transmission is completed and the phone has returned to the normal call mode.