power on, battery low, and recharge battery. You can set warning tones on or off.
Turning warning tones on and off
1)Press 0HQX 3 (3URILOHV)
(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)
2)Your phone lists each Profile. Use W to highlight the
one you want to set the warning tones for and press 2SWLRQV.
3)Highlight &XVWRPL]H and press 2.. Press W to
:DUQLQJ WRQHV, then press 6HOHFW.
4)Use W to highlight 2Q or 2II and press 2.
Welcome note
You can program a welcome note into your phone to display a message when you first turn it on (i.e. hello, your name, a reminder, etc.). The maximum length is 36 characters.
1)Press 0HQX 1 3 (0HVVDJHV
(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)
2)Enter new message or edit an existing one
3)Press 2SWLRQV
4)Press W to 6DYH or (UDVH and press 2.
The welcome note displays each time your phone is switched on. Characters you enter are added to the left of the cursor. Press &OHDU to delete characters to the left of the cursor. Press W or V to move the cursor right or left.
See “Entering letters and numbers” on page 36 for details.