Scrolling through the main menu
1)At the start screen, press 0HQX
2)Press W or V to reach the desired menu item
3)Press 6HOHFW, 2SWLRQV or 2. (whichever appears) to enter submenus and to choose options
4)Press ([LW to exit the present menu or %DFN to go back one level
Using shortcuts
This is a quick and easy way to access a menu without having to scroll through other menus.
Press 0HQX, then menu number, then submenu number.
Press the menu and submenu numbers within a couple of seconds of each other when using this method.
For a summary of your phone’s menu structure, see “Summary of Menu Items” on page 16.
Help text
If you’re not sure how a feature works, wait about ten to fifteen seconds and help text will appear for most of your phone’s features. Press 0RUH to see the next page of the text or %DFN to exit.