Caller ID
This is a network service that helps identify incoming calls. Contact your service provider for details.
When Caller ID is active, your phone may display the caller’s phone number. The caller’s name may also dis- play if their name and number has been stored in the phone book (see “Phone book” on page 50) or if the wireless network supports it.
&DOO or &DOO0FDOOHU ,' XQDYDLODEOH will display when the wire- less network doesn’t recognize the calling number. Also, &DOO0FDOOHU ,' EORFNHG may display if the calling party has blocked caller ID.
Calling card
If you wish to use a calling card for long distance calls, you must first store your calling card information into your phone. Your phone can store up to four calling cards.
Programming a calling card
(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)
2)Press W or V to desired calling card, press 2SWLRQV
3)Press W or V to (GLW, press 2.
4)Enter security code and press 2.
5)Press 6HOHFW at 'LDOLQJ VHTXHQFH. Select the dialing
sequence your card uses (use chart below), press W or V to choose sequence, then press 6HOHFW.
Note: The order of the following steps may vary, depending on which dialing sequence your card uses.
6)Enter access number when prompted for the call- ing card’s access number (usually the