Getting Started
To Select a Function
Z Q then use the navigation key as a joystick to move around the icons on the screen in any of the four directions (a,b,c,d). When a particular menu is highlighted, Z Q, and a submenu is displayed. From any submenu, use e until the required item is highlighted, Z Q
From Idle Z Q, select Personalise > Display Setting > Animation Z Q
In detail:
1Z Q to enter the menu system
2Use db to highlight the Personalise menu
3Z Q to enter the menu
4Use a three times to highlight the Display Setting menu
5Z Q to enter the menu
6Use a twice to highlight Animation menu
7Z Q to enter the menu
8Use ab to select Off, Theme 1 or Theme 2 Z Q
Following some operations the display will automatically clear after three seconds, if this is not the case Z E to return to Idle.
When familiar with the layout of the menu, use the keypad to enter the Menu Number. This will allow the user to obtain the required function without having to navigate through the display menus. For example, Z Q or g to enter the menu and then 143 to take you directly to the Animation menu.