It is possible to store phone numbers in two locations:
In the SIM Phonebook (Q)
In the Mobile Phonebook. This means that if you change the SIM, the numbers in the phone are not lost
The Mobile Phonebook has the advantage that you can group your phonebook entries together.
Store a Number
To Store a Number in the SIM Phonebook
1From Idle enter the phone number and
2To select SIM Phonebook Z Q
3Enter the name – see “Text Entry” page 58, Z Q twice
4Enter location number Z Q
You can choose not to enter a location number
and the entry will be placed in the next available location. Simply Z Q when Any is displayed.
To Store a Number in the Mobile Phonebook
1From Idle enter the phone number and
2Use a to select Mobile Phonebook and
3Enter the name - see “Text Entry” page 58, Z a
4Confirm phone number Z Q twice
5Use e to select a group - see “Grouping Phonebook Entries” page 16 - into which to place the entry Z Q
6Enter location number Z Q
Group Name:
1 | Select |
A location number does not have to be specified, in this case the entry will be placed in the next available location. Simply Z Q when Any is displayed.