Recall By Location
Each name and number you store is placed in a memory location numbered
4.Press Smart Button to select Recall
By Location. You will see: Location __.
5.Enter the
6.Press & hold Smart Button or press ¾ to call the number you selected.
You will see: Dialing
7.Press ¼ or close the phone to end the call. or
Press & hold Smart Button until you hear a high tone. You will see: Press ¤ to End Call.
Press Smart Button again to end the call.
Phone Book Status
You can use this feature to see how many of your Phone Book’s 99
locations have been used.
4.Press Smart Button to select Phone Book Status. Your phone will display the number of full locations.
You will see: XX Full XX Empty.
5.Press ¼ to exit the menu, or you may scroll to other features.
Recall By
Location p
Phone Book
Phone Book
Status p