Problem | Solution |
When sending | 19200 Kbps is the data transfer |
data with the | rate of the connection between |
data cable, | your computer and the phone in a |
why does the | standard CSD (Circuit Switch |
computer | Data) connection. The rate of the |
show a | connection between your phone |
connection | and the network is displayed on |
rate of 19200 | your phone, and will be either |
Kbps? | 14400 or 9600 Kbps. |
| A GPRS connection may have a |
| higher data transfer rate. |
I can’t end my | Try pressing Oon your phone. |
data call by | Also try disconnecting the cable or |
closing the | turning off the phone. If possible, |
application on | always close the connection |
my computer. | through your computer. These |
What can I do? | alternative methods may disrupt |
| |||
| |||
| the application on your computer. |
I launched the | You may be in an area without |
service, or you may be connected |
| |
but the display | to a network that does not support |
says: | Internet access. |
Service Not |
| Troubleshooting | ||
Available. |
| |||
| |
I launched the | Try again in a few minutes. The |
servers may be temporarily busy. |
| |
but the display |
says: |
Data Server |
Unavailable. |
I tried to | You do not have enough memory |
download a | to download and install the theme |
theme, but my | file. Try deleting files before you |
phone says: | download a theme or other files. |
Not enough |
memory. |