Press | To |
3 N | call the entry |
Calling With One-Touch Dial
To call phonebook entries 1 through 9, just press and hold the
We recommend that you reserve phonebook entry 1 (speed dial number 1) for storing and dialing your voicemail number. In many cases, your service provider has already done this for you. If necessary, see page 48 to store your voicemail number for
Using Voicemail
Voicemail messages that you receive are stored on the network. To listen to your messages, you must call your voicemail phone number.
Note: Your service provider may include additional information about using this feature.
Listen ing to Voicemail Messages
Find the Feature M> Messages > VoiceMail
The phone calls your voicemail number. If no voicemail number is stored, your phone prompts you to store one.
Shortcut: Your service provider may also store your voicemail phone number as phonebook entry number 1. If so, you can press and hold 1to listen to your voicemail message(s).
Calling Features