Content downloaded using the OMA Separate Delivery format has been converted from plaintext format into DRM content format (DCF). This conversion includes symmetric encryption of the content making the DRM protected content object useless to parties not having access to the Content Encryption Key (CEK). The CEK is contained within a rights object which is delivered independently of the DCF(containing the media). The DCF file can be distributed as much as desired, yet it will remain protected as the rights object shall be
File Types
DRM solutions apply to all file formats. The OMA DRM solution is content agnostic and can be used for any type of content that the handset supports. Individual files are handled in the same manner as a DRM file would be handled. Files downloaded using OMA Combined Delivery will be downloaded within a DRM message and will consist of a media object and a rights object. The download manager will recognize the DRM message MIME type and the MIME type ‘application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml’ as a valid file type. A single media object in the body of the DRM message that is encoded in the following identity transfer encoding ‘7bit’, ‘8 bit’, and ‘binary’ will be accepted by the download manager.
RFC 2045 [RFC2045] defines the