Phone Book
You can store important numbers in your Phone Book so you can quickly and easily retrieve them.
Your Personal Communicator can store 100 entries and the SIM card can store up to 155 entries in your Personal Numbers list. The number of SIM card entries vary depending on the type of SIM card issued by your service provider.
You can store up to 40 entries in a Fixed Dialing list, if you have this feature. Fixed Dialing allows limited use of your communicator to particular numbers, or, if you wish, to country codes, area codes, or other prefixes of your choosing.
Each Phone Book entry contains:
•A telephone number. Up to 32 digits can be stored, but this is reduced to 20 digits for SIM card locations.
•A name. Up to 16 characters for phone locations. Up to 50 characters for SIM card locations.
•A location label - from 1 to 255 in your Personal Numbers list, or 1 to 40 in your Fixed Dial list.
Phone Book