Sony Ericsson T68ie Benefits of a common synchronization, Protocol, End users, Service providers

Page 18


White Paper, April 2002

Figure 4 SyncML architecture

Benefits of a common synchronization


to deploy and support their customers in a



cost-effective manner. To support the

End users


range of data types and devices in use


today, service providers must install and


Today’s user of mobile devices probably




configure multiple server infrastructures,


uses a different synchronization product




maintain and support that infrastructure,


with every device. Each technology can




and maintain compatibility and perfor-


synchronize only a few applications, or is




mance. The alternative now available, to


limited to a particular type of network con-




use a single solution for data connectivity,


nection. This arrangement is expensive to




involves the risk of a tight coupling to a


install, confusing to configure and operate,




propriety solution. With SyncML, they will


and costly to administer. With SyncML,




be able to provide connectivity to a wider


users will be able to buy devices that syn-




selection of applications.


chronize with a broader range of data.





Device manufacturers

Application developers


Choosing to support multiple synchroniza-


Device manufacturers will benefit from a




tion technologies enables an application to


common protocol that will make the device




support more types of devices and net-


interoperable with a broader range of appli-




worked data, but that choice comes at a


cations, services, and network and trans-




cost. With SyncML, application developers


mission technologies.




will be able to develop an application that




Service providers


can connect to a more diverse set of



Service providers moving into the growth

devices and network data.


arena of application hosting are particularly


concerned that a proliferation of synchroni-


zation technologies will make it impossible



Image 18
Contents T68i/T68ie Contents T68 Preface Purpose of this documentT68 White Paper, April Key functions and features Product overviewMore in-phone functions Picture phone book Memory managementMobile chat Calendar vCalendarMultimedia in the T68i Text MMS Multimedia Messaging ServiceMMS objects TemplatesBenefits PIM communication with MMSMessage conversion MMS technical featuresOTA configuration ArchitectureEMS Enhanced Messaging Service EMS more than just wordsNew possibilities with messaging Examples of EMS contents and applications Compatible with SMS standardsT68i White Paper, April Bluetooth wireless technology Using Bluetooth wireless technology in the T68iSyncML background What is SyncML?Synchronize calendar and phone book Hierarchical phone book with contactsProtocol Service providersBenefits of a common synchronization End usersLocal synchronization Local synchronization software and the T68iXTNDConnect PC WAP services Using WAP in the T68iSecurity using WAP Bearer type characteristicsGateway characteristics Gprs accessOver-the-air provisioning of WAP settings Configuration of WAP settingsPush services CertificatesMobile Internet Service Indication SIService Loading SL Data connectionsGeneral Packet Radio Services Mobile positioningUsing Gprs in the T68i GprsT68i White Paper, April Modem and AT commands AT commands supportGSM data communication GSM Ussd GSM GprsObex Infrared transceiver Connection via infraredConnection via cable In-phone functions and features Subscription and/or network-dependentT68i White Paper, April T68i White Paper, April SMS ALS Network-dependent features SMS and EMS messagingFixed dialling and Restricted calls SIM AT services supported by the T68i Service Mode Support T68iSIM application toolkit Play Tone GET InputMore Time Polling OFFService Mode Support T68i SET UP Call‘Key’ responses User interaction with SIM ATText clearing times MMI Maximum Response lengthsSecurity and M-commerce technical data Feature Support in the T68i for m-commerceTerminology and abbreviations IrMC GatewayImage IrDASIM card Service providerWAP service SyncMLWMLScript Software Related informationDocuments LinksTechnical specifications General technical dataExterior description Supported Man-Machine Interface MMI languages Ambient temperaturesDimension Value in GSM Current consumption, talk and standby timesName Type of game Interactive Vibration Dimension Full rate Enhanced full rateSpeech coding Technical platform informationCell broadcast service Feature Support in the T68iShort message service SMS Enhanced message service Feature Support in the T68iWbmp Multimedia message service Feature Support in the T68i/ieMessage priority AMR, AACBluetooth technical data Dimension Support in the T68iInstant messaging/ Chat Tdma Performance and technical characteristicsDimension GSM 900/E-GSM GmskJPG WAP browser technical dataFeature Support in the T68i WAP browser WAP/WML WAPFeature Support in the T68i for WAP WAP Browser WAP Operator technical dataFeature Support in the T68i WAP browser WAP ProvisioningApplicative provisioning Feature Support in the T68i for WAPContent types TechnologiesSecurity WAP solutionsFeatures User agent profileObject formats ElementsGprs technical data Dimension Support in the T68iAT+CGDATA ENT AT+CGATT Packet Domain Service Attach Or DetachSIM RequestedBuilt-in GSM data modem technical data Mail client technical dataFeature Support in the T68i e-mail client Ussd technical data Images downloading to phone Image format technical dataFeature File type Format VisibleSyncML technical data Feature Support for Sync ML in the T68iInfrared transceiver technical data Index EMS7GPRS25 T68 White Paper, April