Sony Ericsson T68ie Bearer type characteristics, Gateway characteristics, Security using WAP

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viewed on the WAP browser of the T68i. An XHTML page can be viewed in both the WAP browser and in any standard Web browser.

Improve productivity

A business can use a WAP gateway to provide a secure connection to its corporate network, improving internal communication flow by making information available to mobile as well as office users.

The WAP profiles

A WAP profile holds network settings and user identification, allowing the user to switch easily between corporate services and WAP services on the Internet, simply by switching WAP profile.

The T68i has dynamic WAP profile handling, which means that the user can add, edit and delete WAP profiles. The T68i has a maximum of 5 WAP profiles.

During WAP browsing, the options button on the T68i gives the user immediate access to a dynamic option menu for WAP services, similar to a mouse right-click in PC programs.

Bearer type characteristics

The T68i accesses WAP services over IP. IP can be provided either over GSM Data or GPRS, depending on network services.

Typical differences which distinguish the bearer types are listed below.

GPRS access

The connection is maintained “constantly”, with data transmitted in packets, and transmission capacity being used by the application in use on an as-needed basis.

Higher transmission speed than with GSM Data or SMS access.

Pricing of GPRS can be dependent on the actual use of bandwidth, which means the user is charged for the volume of data transmitted, rather than the duration of the connection.

When transmitting large amounts of data, bandwidth can be increased automatically to allow faster transmission speed.

Ideal for complex pull services, browsing, data transfer, provisioning, pager services, messaging services, info services, push ini-


White Paper, April 2002


GSM data access

Circuit connection of data calls, which means that the phone is connected during the entire WAP session.

Higher transmission speed than with SMS access.

Pricing is comparable to that of data calls in the network.

Suitable for complex pull services, brows- ing and data transfer.

Not suitable for provisioning, pager ser- vices.

Gateway characteristics

A WAP Gateway provides Internet/intranet as well as WAP services to the mobile browser. A Gateway is identified by an IP number, depending on access type.

End-to-end gateway navigation

The WAP 2.0 supports E2E (End-toEnd) Gateway navigation, making it possible for example for a bank to redirect its clients from the Internet gateway to its own gateway.

Security using WAP

For certain WAP services, such as banking services, a secure connection between the phone and WAP gateway is necessary. An icon in the display of the T68i indicates when a secure connection is in use.

The T68i is based on the WAP 2.0 (WML 1.3) specification suite, in which security functionality is specified by a technology called Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS). The WAP protocols for handling connection, transport and security are structured in layers, with security handled by the WTLS layer, operating above the transport protocol layer. WTLS classes define the levels of security for a WTLS connection:

WTLS class 1 – encryption with no authen- tication.

WTLS class 2 – encryption with server authentication.

WTLS class 3 – encryption with both server and client authentication.

Server authentication requires a server certificate stored at the server side and a trusted certificate stored at the client side.

Client authentication requires a client certificate


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Contents T68i/T68ie Contents T68 Preface Purpose of this documentT68 White Paper, April Key functions and features Product overviewMore in-phone functions Picture phone book Memory managementMobile chat Calendar vCalendarMultimedia in the T68i Text MMS Multimedia Messaging ServiceMMS objects TemplatesBenefits PIM communication with MMSMessage conversion MMS technical featuresOTA configuration ArchitectureEMS more than just words EMS Enhanced Messaging ServiceNew possibilities with messaging Examples of EMS contents and applications Compatible with SMS standardsT68i White Paper, April Bluetooth wireless technology Using Bluetooth wireless technology in the T68iSyncML background What is SyncML?Synchronize calendar and phone book Hierarchical phone book with contactsProtocol Service providersBenefits of a common synchronization End usersLocal synchronization Local synchronization software and the T68iXTNDConnect PC WAP services Using WAP in the T68iSecurity using WAP Bearer type characteristicsGateway characteristics Gprs accessOver-the-air provisioning of WAP settings Configuration of WAP settingsPush services CertificatesMobile Internet Service Indication SIService Loading SL Data connectionsGeneral Packet Radio Services Mobile positioningUsing Gprs in the T68i GprsT68i White Paper, April AT commands support Modem and AT commandsGSM data communication GSM Gprs GSM UssdObex Connection via infrared Infrared transceiverConnection via cable In-phone functions and features Subscription and/or network-dependentT68i White Paper, April T68i White Paper, April SMS ALS SMS and EMS messaging Network-dependent featuresFixed dialling and Restricted calls Service Mode Support T68i SIM AT services supported by the T68iSIM application toolkit Play Tone GET InputMore Time Polling OFFService Mode Support T68i SET UP Call‘Key’ responses User interaction with SIM ATText clearing times MMI Maximum Response lengthsSecurity and M-commerce technical data Feature Support in the T68i for m-commerceTerminology and abbreviations IrMC GatewayImage IrDASIM card Service providerWAP service SyncMLWMLScript Software Related informationDocuments LinksGeneral technical data Technical specificationsExterior description Supported Man-Machine Interface MMI languages Ambient temperaturesDimension Value in GSM Current consumption, talk and standby timesName Type of game Interactive Vibration Dimension Full rate Enhanced full rateSpeech coding Technical platform informationCell broadcast service Feature Support in the T68iShort message service SMS Feature Support in the T68i Enhanced message serviceWbmp Multimedia message service Feature Support in the T68i/ieMessage priority AMR, AACDimension Support in the T68i Bluetooth technical dataInstant messaging/ Chat Tdma Performance and technical characteristicsDimension GSM 900/E-GSM GmskJPG WAP browser technical dataFeature Support in the T68i WAP browser WAP/WML WAPFeature Support in the T68i for WAP WAP Browser WAP Operator technical dataFeature Support in the T68i WAP browser WAP ProvisioningApplicative provisioning Feature Support in the T68i for WAPContent types TechnologiesSecurity WAP solutionsFeatures User agent profileObject formats ElementsGprs technical data Dimension Support in the T68iAT+CGDATA ENT AT+CGATT Packet Domain Service Attach Or DetachSIM RequestedMail client technical data Built-in GSM data modem technical dataFeature Support in the T68i e-mail client Ussd technical data Images downloading to phone Image format technical dataFeature File type Format VisibleSyncML technical data Feature Support for Sync ML in the T68iInfrared transceiver technical data EMS7 IndexGPRS25 T68 White Paper, April