Siemens C56 manual 100

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How much evidence is there that hand- held mobile phones might be harmful?

Briefly, there is not enough evidence to know for sure, either way; howev- er, research efforts are on-going.

The existing scientific evidence is conflicting and many of the studies that have been done to date have suffered from flaws in their research methods. Animal experiments inves- tigating the effects of RF exposures characteristic of mobile phones have yielded conflicting results. A few ani- mal studies, however, have suggest- ed that low levels of RF could accel- erate the development of cancer in laboratory animals. In one study, mice genetically altered to be predis- posed to developing one type of can- cer developed more than twice as many such cancers when they were exposed to RF energy compared to controls. There is much uncertainty among scientists about whether re- sults obtained from animal studies apply to the use of mobile phones. First, it is uncertain how to apply the results obtained in rats and mice to humans. Second, many of the stud- ies showed increased tumor devel- opment used animals that had al- ready been treated with cancer- causing chemicals, and other studies exposed the animals to the RF virtu- ally continuously — up to 22 hours per day.

For the past five years in the United States, the mobile phone industry has supported research into the safe-

ty of mobile phones. This research has resulted in two findings in partic- ular that merit additional study:

1.In a hospital-based, case-control study, researchers looked for an as- sociation between mobile phone use and either glioma (a type of brain cancer) or acoustic neuroma (a be- nign tumor of the nerve sheath). No statistically significant association was found between mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma. There was also no association between mobile phone use and gliomas when all types of gliomas were considered together. It should be noted that the average length of mobile phone ex- posure in this study was less than three years.

When 20 types of glioma were con- sidered separately, however, an as- sociation was found between mobile phone use and one rare type of glio- ma, neuroepithelliomatous tumors. It is possible with multiple compari- sons of the same sample that this as- sociation occurred by chance. More- over, the risk did not increase with how often the mobile phone was used, or the length of the calls. In fact, the risk actually decreased with cumulative hours of mobile phone use. Most cancer causing agents in- crease risk with increased exposure. An ongoing study of brain cancers by the National Cancer Institute is ex- pected to bear on the accuracy and repeatability of these results.1

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Contents Page Contents1 2Contents Ions Safety precautionsImproper use invalidates the warranty Antenna care Safety InformationPhone operation Normal positionElectronic devices Posted Facilities VehiclesAirplanes Blasting areasSafety Information SAR Specific Absorption Rate SAR Specific Absorption Rate §Games...§ or e.g Overview of the phoneTo attach To remove Getting StartedInsert SIM card/battery Display while in service Charge batteryCharging time Charge icon not visibleUser Guide General InstructionsControl key SelectCall OK View Options SelectView Options On, off Switch on/off Switch on, off / PIN entryStandby mode Enter PINCodes Security17Change PIN PIN controlClear SIM card barring 18SecurityChangePhonecode My phone Making a phone call Set volumeEnd call Redial previous numbersReject call When a number is busyAccept call Held call HandsfreeHandsfr. Menu BackReject waiting call Accept the waiting callEnd current call EndCall menu New entry Phonebook25Call/search for an entry 26PhonebookCall with Record no Edit entryPhonebook menu Phonebook27Location Assign animation 28PhonebookAssign animation Delete/change animationVoice dialing Phonebook29Record recording Apply voice dialingSMS to group 30Groupsˆ VIP ‰ Friends ‡Business Anne ? Barbara ? CarolDial Options Groups31Call to group menu 32Groups Group setupGroup entry menu RenameSave no. to Call log§Menu§Call log §Select§ Press 34Time/cost Charge settings§Menu§Call logTime/cost Limit ActivateRead messages Messages SMSPictures and sounds in SMS Reply menuInbox/outbox menu Inbox/outboxArchive Archive menu Compose a messageText menu Predefined textWrite text fragments Use text fragmentsActivate SMS profile Picture & Sound§Select§ Confirm §Menu§MessagesSMS profilesSurf & fun Internet accessUn Internet WAP Start menuMore Browser menuWAP profiles §Menu§Setup Connectivity WAP profilesActivate WAP profiles Your Internet browser is licensed by§Menu§Surf & funGames & more Internet Bitmap viewer Games & moreGames and applications Receive information ReinstallGames & More menu Http profilesStart bitmap viewer Bitmap viewerActivate Http profile Bitmapviewer menu Receive picturesSend pictures via SMS Picture menuInfo Record Sound managerIndividual recording Play Options PlaybackSound manager menu  Select call type/function dCalls ‘ MenuMessages Cell broadcast §Select§ Confirm  Choosethe list. a melody fromSetting Alarm clock50Organizer AppointmentsSpecial events Organizer51New event List menuNew entry 52OrganizerMissed appointments Organizer53Display entry §Menu§OrganizerMissed appmtCalculator 54OrganizerCurrency conv Enter the currencyOrganizer55 Voice commandConvert Calculator menu Select the required entry with a voice command Voice command menu56Organizer Delete Delete entry Delete all§Menu§SetupPhone setup Call forward SettingsVoice message/Mailbox Play back messages CB services Profiles59 SetupActivate Options Select60Profiles Aircraft modeCar Kit HeadsetFavorites61 Change settingsReset all Control key on the left Fast access keyChange Internet Menu§Carol§ Hold down Speed dialing keys§Set§ §Select§Display 64SetupAudio Setup65Call screening 66SetupKey tones Minute beepKeys Setup67Phone setup §Select§ Press. Check status Select Delete Select 68SetupClock Setup69Authentication 70SetupConnectivity Auto offWAP profile settings Setup71§Options§ Open menu Change settings 72SetupSet Http profiles Http paSet SMS profiles Setup73Fax/data mode using a PC 74SetupSend vce/fax Voice/fax rec§Menu§SetupSecurity Select a function Setup75Security CodesNetwork 76Setup§Menu§SetupNetwork Select a function Setup77Pref. network Fast searchAccessories 78SetupCar Kit HeadsetText entry with T9 Create a word using T9Activate, deactivate T9 Select input languageCorrect a word T9 word suggestionsSMS 748 At 8 h we are SpellAlarm set Display symbols selectionAlarm clock active Organizer symbolsEmergency numberSOS ZControl codes DtmfCall forward set  Navigate to character §Select§ Select character Enter special charactersExtending numbers in the Phonebook International dialing codes Input menuJAD and JAR k Format Mark text Copy/Add Input language# Message storage full JavaOperating times Outside the home networkService numbers Quality declaration for batterySignal strength Phone number memoSIM services optional SIM card problemsSMS status report SMS PushSwitch on/off all sounds Switch off ringerT9 language versions Two phone numbersWAP usage Changing the home Without SIM cardCommerce Select WAP Parameters, then select HomepageQuestions&Answers Question Possible causes Possible solution92Questions&Answers Damage Reset settings to the factory default p * # 9 9 9 9 # Siemens Service Trademarks Specifications95Technical data Maintenance tips 96MaintenancePhone ID Lost phoneOries Basics AccessoriesData/Applications Car Solutions 98AccessoriesWhat kinds of phones are in question? Why the concern?100 101 What is FDAs role concerning the safety of mobile phones? For additional information, see the following websites Where can I find additional information?If there is a risk from these products 104 105 FCC/Industry Canada NoticeWhen available, use a hands-free device Ten Driving Safety TipsVing Tips Position your phone within easy reachUse your phone to call for help Dial sensibly and assess the trafficUse your phone to help others in emer- gencies For more information, please callUal y Intellectual PropertyIntellectual Property Restrictions Index109 Dtmf tones control codes 110IndexIndex111 SetupStore control code Dtmf PicturesWallpaper provider wallpaper Switch off phone112Index