Activate HTTP profile
§Menu§Setup Connectivity HTTP profiles
Select a profile.
§Select§ Press to activate.
WAP can be used to download applica- tions from the Internet. The software pre- installed on your JavaTM-enabled mobile phone will not be affected by the installa- tion or operation of Internet applications. Applications not designed to run on your mobile phone may not function properly if installed. You assume all risk for loss or damage arising from any installation of non-Siemens software, applications and/ or upgrades. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUD- ING SPECIFICALLY THE IMPLIED WAR- RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED AS TO ANY AND ALL APPLICATIONS, SOFTWARE AND/OR UPGRADES NOT INSTALLED BY SIEMENS. Installed ap- plications, software and/or upgrades may be lost or deleted in the event your mobile phone is repaired or replaced. If installed applications or software are deleted, all personal information contained in the ap- plication or software and all associated up- grades will also be permanently deleted. Once an application or software has been deleted, it is not guaranteed that such ap- plication or software will be available for re-installation. All liability for loss or dam- age arising from deletion of applications and/or software is hereby expressly dis- claimed.
Bitmap viewer
Set animations, wallpapers and screensaver as required in your phone.
Start bitmap viewer
You will find animations/pictures and links stored in the phone under:
§Menu§Surf & funBitmap viewer
Selectlink: storage location or
Own animations
Own pictures
Different functions are available depending on which entry is high- lighted:
Own animations/Own pictures
Select folder.
§Select§ Press.
Select animation/picture.
§Dwnload§ The animation/picture is displayed.
URL (optional)
Go to the link and surf online
§Internet§ The selected Internet page is loaded.
See picture menu §Options§ p. 46.