Service not available
SIM blocked. Contact pro- vider
SIM blocked. Enter PUK:
SIM fixed full SIM names full
Phone names full
SMS memory locations are full
Wrong code. Try again
Wrong new code. Try again
Wrong PIN, try again Wrong PIN2, try again Wrong PUK, try again Wrong PUK2, try again
Message not sent
Possible cause and
Activating some GSM services that are not available on the net- work
A wrong PUK has been entered 10 times.
The SIM card has been permanently disabled and needs to be re- placed by a new one.
A wrong PIN code has been entered 3 times. Enter the PUK code to unblock the SIM card.
The corresponding memory is full.
The storage of new messages (when writ- ing a new SMS) is im- possible.
A wrong phone lock code has been entered.
The new phone lock codes do not match (value control).
The wrong code has been entered.
The handset may be out of the network range or the network is temporarily overload- ed.
Internal fault
Invalid Serv- ice Menu
Registration required
Menu limit reached
Server limit reached
Possible cause and
An unrecoverable error has occurred. Switch the handset off and back on again. It may be necessary to reset the EMS system (Set- tings menu). Beware: all services and EMS messages will then be erased.
An invalid service menu has been sent to the handset. The invalid service menu is ig- nored, no further ac- tion necessary.
You have not regis- tered to any service. Go to the Service registra- tion menu.
A new service menu item has been received but the remaining stor- age space is not suffi- cient to store it. Delete one or more registered menu items (My Servic- es menu) and accept the new menu or dis- card the new menu.
A new service has been received but the re- maining storage space is not sufficient to store it. Delete one or more registered service(s) - Settings menu - and ac- cept the new service or discard the new serv- ice.